mad players
:'( :'( :'(today i tried to get on a construction map and it wouldn't let me because i had to download i downloaded it and it still woudn't work so i sent a message before this one.the person whp answered it told me to do this thing so i did and it still didn't work. so that is why i sent this message. i was on a other server and one of my friends wereon. my friend,me, and 5 other people. we are mad. if you can fix it we would appreciate it soo much. ;D
Some better grammar would help too...
So now that the Auth servers are down, does that mean I can no longer play on any of the construction servers? If so this really sucks. This is GNRLTECs dad and i played tribes, tribes2 and vengence all the time and introduced these guys to this game. It would really be a shame that this next gen fix would lock out any new players from being able to enjoy Tribes.
The message we are getting is that we have to have the patch installed to play any of the construction servers.
But seeing as thought there is no auth servers to pull us through the message is irrelevant to the real problem.
We have downloaded and installed the patch as was suggested earlier in the threads.
Oh DearWe've A Problem.