Asian servers?

I saw a post with someone redirecting all the Europeans to a different website.

I'm wondering if anyone knows about the situation in Asia. Is there any resurgence there? Based on a ping of the servers, I'm guessing there isn't.

Is anyone in China/HK/Taiwan interested in dueling, at least?

A lonely Tribesman in Hong Kong


  • I saw a Japan training server running.
  • I've seen that too, but have never seen more than one player on it, if any.
  • The closest community to you is the AU community, Bittah. I think they have one player from Japan getting decent ping. Last time I checked, they hold two weekly pickups on their server GameArena T2 Lak / CTF.
  • Host one! It doesn't take much of a machine to host a dedicated T2 server.
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