Can't connect to authtentication server

Before everyone says it - YES, I read the FAQ. Carefully.

First, the game would start without my firewall asking any questions, which surprised me. When I tried to connect to the server the game would say the server is offline. So I turned my firewall off completely to see if that was it. Same thing - told me the server was offline.

So I re-enabled my firewall and ran the "set affinity" program (I do have a dual core system). This time, when I started the game, the firewall asked the usual questions and I permitted everything. I thought I was all set, but the game still says the auth server is offline. I tried turning off my firewall again, and - same thing. I don't have separate AV software running - it's integrated with the firewall and I don't have the AV part turned on anyways.

I doubt my game is corrupt - it works just dandy in Solo and LAN modes.

Any suggestions? I really want to play! thanks.


  • Looks like my VPN provider got pissy with the 40 day connection around 1 PM PST today. I've moved the account registration system to a different server.

    Give it a try now.
  • Yeah, for once it really was unavailable... We will probably have a status check on the site pretty soon to ensure there're no mix-ups like this in the future.

    Sorry for the inconvenience. :)
  • No problem. I got in and registered fine. Thanks for your help!
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