yet another server problem
I downloaded tribes2 and the multi-player patch but i can't see the servers, i can the the online server list but not the in game one. I've tryed the faq on this forum and it didn't work because i can't add tribes2.exe to trusted programs tribes2.exe, for some reason my computer says that file doesn't exist which i know not to be true because when i open T2 and then go to task manager/processes i see that tribes2.exe is running when i try to right click to solve it via the affinity it doensnt come up with that option. when i search my computer it only comes up with tribes2.exe.local and tribes2.exe.bak and i tryed adding these to trusted programs and it didn't work still no servers :'(. I also tryed un-hiding hidden files within the dynamix folder still nothing. It says in the ingame setting that I'm not connected to the server, iv run out of ideas on how to fix this problem.
Double-check your path. Use the file-browser if it has one.
If you use the default sierraup shortcut to launch, right click the "classic" shortcut instead.