How exactly do I play Tribes 2? ( Noob needs help.)
Okay, this is weird, I downloaded the Tribes 2 full version from the downloads section, then downloaded the patch and applied it. After that, I don't see a T2 icon on my desktop, also, every .exe file I click on (in the Tribes 2 folders) that looks like it might be the one to start up T2 doesn't work. Will someone please reply to me, did I maybe just download a corrupted file or something? Also after I get T2 to work, how will I connect to servers. I'm new to this all, would be nice if someone could help me. Thanks.
The important ones are: -nologin (for offline/LAN play) and -online (for... well... should be obvious)
There's also -prepbuild to recompile the scripts into DSOs, which seems to resolve some scripting issues people run into now and then. I haven't yet had to use any other switches, but there's a list in this thread:
Looks like the command promp is going to quickly execute Tribes2.exe, but nope I get this error.
Right click anywhere in your home screen and click "Personalization". Once clicked there hit "Display Settings". Set your colors to "medium 16 bit". Log in Tribes 2, it will allow you and click on "settings". Then click "TEXTURES", and in "TEXTURE QUALITY" set it to 32 bit. Now all you have to do is save that, and set your computer back to "High 32 bit".