Satchel Pack? Love or Hate?



  • In Classic, you can stick them on walls and ceilings, but you can't stick them on vehicles and people, unfortunately.
  • Words alone cannot describe the sadistic fun one can have with the Satchel.



    CC script to show on normal game screen? nice
  • eolk plz patch it to stick to vehicles in classic so we can have more fun with wildcats! thanks!

    ps satchels are like cloaks, generally ineffective but useful as a surprise method if not repeated!
  • CC script to show on normal game screen? nice

    Are you refering to the team asset list on the left side of the screen?
    Engineers Hud
    Good hud for farmers to keep track of the ststus of deployed equipment and set turrets.
  • When teamdamage is off, I use it to give me a boost from the flag. That way I get more caps. :{}
  • i use it as a trap. il somtime go solo with a beo wolf and youl get one of those accasionle jacks ho gets ina nd uses it whiel you n bord as a weapon well i got a little supprize for them in ther driver seat me and my friend when we had tribes 1 would hid e a satchel charg ina sword fish land it nearthe enemy base and them hen some oen got on bord. blowe it.
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