
Just to let you know that I have added Tribes 2 and teh Tribes Next Patch to my site. Also do you have a mailingl ist or rss feed that will keep up to date with new versions of the patch?



  • Nice. Please make sure you keep your downloads up-to-date with ours! :)
  • I think that's what he just asked about.
    [me=teratos]slaps Eolk around a bit with a barstool[/me]
  • Put the barstool down, or no more drinks for you.

    You could try reading the news from, just note that it's formatted for T2.
  • thanks for the advertising on your site.
  • Yep thanks.
  • No problem my site is all about free games. I don't know how to use T2 and only use RSS (Google Reader) and email to get game updates. I would highly recommend one of these methods for keeping mirrors up to date. Also have you guys thought about using the moddb? Would be great for tribes next promotion and they have a good RSS system. I am a mirror for Portal Prelude and the developer sends the mirrors an email with the download link just prior to release. I had a play on Tribes 2 yesterday and I was impressed. Great idea to revive such a good game. Also am I correct in assuming that tribes 1 has a single player but no multiplayer servers are around? I am considering adding it to the site but have never played it.
  • No. T1 has no single-player, but there are multiplayer servers. You just need an updated copy that points to the new master servers. Someone else probably has a link - I don't right now.
  • Hey again. I have updates to the latest version but only because I happened to check your news section. Is there any plans for an RSS news along side your in game news? This will allow me to update my mirrored version within 24hours. Currently without I was a few weeks out.
  • Hey, Just saw the mirror list and I want to thank you for putting me at the top. Tribes 2 now has over 600 downloads and will soon pass Wolfenstein ET to be in the top 10 list. Comments and suggestions about the site are welcome. I have already had an email from a member of this forum recommending some free games. Thanks for your suggestions Greenstorm33.
  • Comments and suggestions about the site are welcome.

    I have download quite a few of your FPS's you have on there some I had never heard of and really for free games they are not too shabby. Its a cool site I am looking forward to seeing more stuff on there. How about getting more RPG's, there are a shitload of free mmo's outside of cabal, one thats looking pretty promising is Runes of Magic and the mirrors listed on their site arent all that fast (gamershell doesnt work at all) an additional one would be welcome.
  • Thanks. I'm always on the lookout for good free games to add. There is one reason that I havn't added many MMO RPG's and that is simply the amount of them. I don't play any MMO's and because of this don't know which ones are good and which ones are total crap. I would like more suggestions on which ones are worth playing. I have played RF Online and a little Flyff but that's about it.
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