Killjoy69[TKB] Tappa Kegga Brew, I used to play HD in the old competion days. If you all would like to share please so, Im curious how many old player have from the Classic Comp Days with, Vanguard or Ses ( South Eastern Slayers) , or 4m , 311 etc...
Some of the clans I was in:
Zero Gravity
^$iN Sinister
-eT Eternal
.Nos No One Survives!
There were a couple more, just forgot them with time.
Then i joined E but was only a recruit up until Tribes died out...
I saw Mr Phelps somewhere, I remember him from STD, he was a good heavy if I recall...
what the boss said.
I was 3 smurfs back then.....good times...
Killjoy69[TKB] Tappa Kegga Brew, I used to play HD in the old competion days. If you all would like to share please so, Im curious how many old player have from the Classic Comp Days with, Vanguard or Ses ( South Eastern Slayers) , or 4m , 311 etc...
I remember the ministry vs tkb match way back in the base days. You guys were a lot of fun
Tribes 2 i've been mostly with -CDL- for most of it, there were a few other clans that came and went. Always played as WarChilde
Played with =MH=, then ministry (hi jupe) for a short while before they died
Figured i'd see what was going on here, loading T2 up for the first time in ~3-4 years...
Vanguard, SoC, DiV, Rev, Envy..
T1 played for:
KILZ as KILZ-TheIceMan
KSA as Locksmith{KSA}
Red Death as :[MeBaD]:
KILZ-TheIceMan (the return...)
Templars MeBaD
Red Death till we merged with SES. In which case I couldn't stand some snotty f... And split off to script and compete with some other teams.
NoS as the original designer of RaceMod.
It's actually interesting that I caught up with a couple of old teammates that where unaware of tnext. So more people on the way!
O and can't forget WSBN...
haha, what it do!
Can't recall if it was [DB] or =DB= or anything.
The whole clan got invited by Dynamix to participate in the closed Beta.
We felt honoured!
Been in a few clans I have. :P
Old Game name was: Mr | Messenger and Exfactor...T2 Full names
T2 Demo Names: Gogeta, Kajein, FiReBaLl(I was a blaster master), MaGiK, Mr. MA, Usually went by Doug though..So many fuckin impersonaters on that name!
Oh yeah Love|Hate > Waldred TEEHEEHEE
Ren teams - {K|Inc}, WooHoo!, ALl 4 One, Death 2 All, some others.
Others - umm Eternal darkness, Top Dawgz (mine) , |osis, Recon, Team LuB, EWo at one time, and some others as well. Just cant remember at this second.
Old Names: Braveheart, Brave, Zoom
Old Clans: HOR, isu?, --~, DoG
Good to see some old familiar names.
Oh and tribes, man I don't even remember then all... A51, Mutiny, Negativity, intensity, Synergy, etc.
Played most positions
Would be nice to see the european ladder thingy again
Hello everyone