Registering a warrior name

Just a suggestion I seen many username register with their clan's name. I think you guys should wait untill the clan system is release. Imagine if you register your name:t2-mruballos then with the clan system it will be t2-t2-mruballos.


  • And also keep in mind, I don't think you can rename your account after it's been registered, but I'll let Thyth or someone confirm or deny that.
  • And also keep in mind, I don't think you can rename your account after it's been registered, but I'll let Thyth or someone confirm or deny that.
    Yes and no.
    You can't change the name in the public/private .store files.
    However, the Community server will let you have an "altered" name as long as it is up.
    I think Thyth has covered this in more detail somewhere else...
  • Yea I did >:( that dummy used my clans name tag {dggs}RB10 but was lucky and re registered as RB10 and hope there will not be a problem when the Browser issues clan names and tags. :)
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