Can't repair

When in game I cannot repair myself or turrets.
Please help its quite sad when I cant repair base/turrets for teammates.


  • Do you know what key bind to use to activate the pack?
  • This does not belong in support. Moved.
  • i get the same sometimes, i usually have to reenable the pack or wait a couple of secs and then hold fire again and it will repair.
  • The pack is activated its glowing like its working.
    The key is bound correctly.
    This used to happen to a while ago and i fixed it with the Halretfix.cs file.
    But i have forgotten were to place it.
    Any advice is welcome :)
  • Well just tride to install Halretfix.v12 into Base dir. and still no go.

  • i get the same sometimes, i usually have to reenable the pack or wait a couple of secs and then hold fire again and it will repair.

    This happens to me also at random and I dont use any scripts. The solution for me is face away from what i want to repair or if im repairing myself wait for 5 sec then press the mouse button to repair.
  • wonder if this occurrance is serverside
  • i get the same sometimes, i usually have to reenable the pack or wait a couple of secs and then hold fire again and it will repair.

    This happens to me also at random and I dont use any scripts. The solution for me is face away from what i want to repair or if im repairing myself wait for 5 sec then press the mouse button to repair.
    Sometimes, the repair gun is a little stubborn. Spamming the fire key doesn't help, you just have to wait a second, then try again.
  • Use auto-repair script?
  • Use auto-repair script?
    Thanks mate will try it

    Just a update have dL retfix.cs and put it in scritps/autoexe folder but still no go
  • can you activate all other packs fine?
  • edited July 2009
    Thanks Love|Hate it worked. And thankyou all for your help :)
  • Sweet. Ya welcomes.
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