Decoding QR Images

edited September 2009 in General Discussion
Today Thyth built a QR Code. you know, those things you get on flight tickets, ect.

you can decipher them easily. if you get the straightest shot at it as you can,
then turn the lines Black, and the background white
then you size it down in GIMP or another editor, and save as a png.
then go to a website:
and upload it, it will give you the answer.

the one thyth built read:
  • gufdsf.png
  • tribes2-20090913-044454.png


    link was broken for me, so i found this one (i believe this should be the correct link)

    also, what exaclty could this be used for? im almost positive someone was bored that day.... lol
  • edited September 2009
    also, what exaclty could this be used for? im almost positive someone was bored that day.... lol

    Well, one thing I can think of is that it's a great way to turn something analog back into digital, have it imprintable on a large variety of items and captured optically without requiring exactness, with the potential to be done very quickly compared to other methods.

    For instance, the UPC barcodes use different thickness bars to represent numbers. Imagine cashiers/stockroom employees/etc having to enter each number manually, or needing to go through a menu to find the item.

    There are probably other advantages too (probably some way you can futz around with the generation method to involve a private key and make it secure, or something), but this is what I could think of off the top of my head.
  • also, what exaclty could this be used for? im almost positive someone was bored that day.... lol

    Well, one thing I can think of is that it's a great way to turn something analog back into digital, have it imprintable on a large variety of items and captured optically without requiring exactness, with the potential to be done very quickly compared to other methods.

    For instance, the UPC barcodes use different thickness bars to represent numbers. Imagine cashiers/stockroom employees/etc having to enter each number manually, or needing to go through a menu to find the item.

    There are probably other advantages too (probably some way you can futz around with the generation method to involve a private key and make it secure, or something), but this is what I could think of off the top of my head.

    i meant used for in the game lol, but still nonetheless i applaud the effort to explain that to people who don't know what the image is and how its used in real life.
  • Looks like I missed two bits when building that. My bad. It was supposed to go to this site. For some reason, the scanner I used processed it correctly though.

    In any case, it's a handy interchange format if you want to give someone a URL link via cellphone. Display the QR code for the URL on your device screen, and let the other person use a QR code scanner via their phone camera. Works well for contact info too.
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