Getting new players into the community

Is there any organized effort to do this? I just thought of a cool idea - go to lan centers around where ever you live and have them install TribesNext.

Which raises a few questions.. does the licensing shit allow for that kind of distribution?

Also writing to gaming websites, gaming magazines, and other major gaming forums would be good. I could write up a form letter and whoever is motivated could post and distribute it as they wish.

Anyways I'm just looking for ways to keep my favorite game around for as long as possible, any effort contributed from you guys would be sick.


  • you could always get tribesnext slashdotted
  • you could always get tribesnext slashdotted
    Yeah, 'cause the website can handle the traffic it has already...

    TribesNext has (very likely) already seen its peak in free advertisement, and that was at launch.
    You have to remember that Tribes was a niche market to begin with, and that most (if not all) of the current games that have come to market lately have been cookie-cutter and don't involve as much of a learning curve as Tribes does.
    This means that most of those players don't want to expend the effort to learn a game like Tribes when they can pick up Battlefield Whateverthefuck and be laying waste in 3 minutes.
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