New Player needs Guidance
My friend introduced me to tribes a few months ago, but I wasn't that interested till I played with him for a couple games. Now I love it! But I find that a lot of the servers are mostly bots. Any servers that are still pretty active with REAL people? If there's anything else I should know, please inform me. I'd like to experiment with the torque engine too, but I'm not sure if there's a way without paying 50 bucks for torsion. Thanks in advance for all the help!
This video might help you learn the ropes:
I wouldn't waste any money on Torque if I were you. If you are just looking to mod Tribes 2, you don't need to waste money on Torsion. I just use Notepad++. If you actually plan on getting an engine license to develop Torque games, you'll have to spend a lot more than $50, and you probably won't have much to show for it, since it's a pretty low-end engine.
If you are interested in making games, the only place you should look is the Unreal Development Kit, at least until you have the resources to buy a several-hundred-thousand-dollar triple-A engine license.
Tell me how to edit HUD like You have in this video, and are these terrain textures allowed?
If You can, make a video about total newbiesh things, like how connect to the server, how to use weapons, how to change armour, why I'm getting owned, etc, etc.
From youTube video:
How to make bars extending from right to left (reverse), and how to change size of bars (just bars, not bitmaps). I can change it's opacity and colour, but still can't change its size or direction of extend. Extending from center to borders, or vertical or even 'growing square' would be a total sci-fi magic I guess.
How to edit hud manager *.layout files from notepad? Now I've edited it a bit, and layout file doesn't work - hud is screwed up.