can someone post tribesnext's updated console_start.cs or provide portable versn

I'm manually having to patch the game as I don't have administrator access (The reason the patch requires admin access is because of jpatch-w32.exe, I had to use a different windows bdiff patcher)

The only thing I couldn't figure out from the installer is the edit to console_start.cs Could someone just open theirs up and copy paste the entire thing here or provide a portable and patched tribes 2 folder.



    By the way, the game is already portable. You can copy that install anywhere even after patching. Just remember that if someone is going to produce a prepatched copy to be sharing, even with just friends that they should omit their and files in their GameData folder as these files are used in the login process (they contain your TN credentials essentially).
  • Thanks a lot for the help Liukcario!
  • A portable version with everything in it would be a nice idea I think.

    Save people having to download, patch and install map packs.

    Now if only HiRez would put T2 on Steam and pay Thyth to host the central server, they could make easy bucks for sure.
  • Or they could cease and desist t2.
  • Or they could cease and desist t2.

    They could, but it wont stop online play, their is second alternate master server script.
  • edited August 2014
    For historical archiving, copy and paste through to part 5 to a 'console_start.cs' file and place it where Tribes2.exe resides.

    PART 1:
    // Tribes 2 startup
    // z0dd - ZOD - Founder (, 10/23/02. Fixes bug where by
    // parent functions are lost when packages are deactivated.
    package PackageFix
       function isActivePackage(%package)
          for(%i = 0; %i < $TotalNumberOfPackages; %i++)
             if($Package[%i] $= %package)
                return true;
          return false;
       function ActivatePackage(%this)
          if($TotalNumberOfPackages $= "")
             $TotalNumberOfPackages = 0;
             // This package name is allready active, so lets not activate it again.
                error("ActivatePackage called for a currently active package!");
          $Package[$TotalNumberOfPackages] = %this;
       function DeactivatePackage(%this)
          %count = 0;
          %counter = 0;
          //find the index number of the package to deactivate
          for(%i = 0; %i < $TotalNumberOfPackages; %i++)
             if($Package[%i] $= %this)
                %breakpoint = %i;
          for(%j = 0; %j < $TotalNumberOfPackages; %j++)
             if(%j < %breakpoint)
                //go ahead and assign temp array, save code
                %tempPackage[%count] = $Package[%j];
             else if(%j > %breakpoint)
                %reactivate[%counter] = $Package[%j];
                $Package[%j] = "";
          //deactivate all the packagess from the last to the current one
          for(%k = (%counter - 1); %k > -1; %k--)
          //deactivate the package that started all this
          //don't forget this	
          $TotalNumberOfPackages = %breakpoint;
          //reactivate all those other packages
          for(%l = 0; %l < %counter; %l++)
       function listPackages()
          echo("Activated Packages:");
          for(%i = 0; %i < $TotalNumberOfPackages; %i++)
    // End z0dd - ZOD - Founder
    // parse arguments:
    $TestObjectFileName = "";
    $LaunchMode = "Normal";
    $Login = false;
    $clientprefs = "prefs/clientPrefs.cs";
    $serverprefs = "prefs/serverPrefs.cs";
    $fromLauncher = false;
    $PureServer = true;
    function prepBuild()
       // this compiles all the scripts and guis
       for(%file = findFirstFile("*.cs"); %file !$= ""; %file = findNextFile("*.cs"))
       for(%file = findFirstFile("*.gui"); %file !$= ""; %file = findNextFile("*.gui"))
    function cleanupAudio()
    function startAudio()
       // temp Audio Profiles
       new AudioDescription(AudioGui)
          volume   = 1.0;
          isLooping= false;
          is3D     = false;
          type     = $GuiAudioType;
       new AudioProfile(sButtonDown)
          filename = "gui/buttonDown.wav";
          description = "audioGui";
          preload = true;
       new AudioProfile(sButtonOver)
          filename = "gui/buttonOver.wav";
          description = "audioGui";
          preload = true;
       new AudioProfile(InputDeniedSound)
          filename = "fx/misc/diagnostic_beep.wav";
          description = "audioGui";
          preload = true;
       $Audio::defaultDriver = "miles";
          // make sure there is a driver list
          if($pref::Audio::drivers $= "")
             $pref::Audio::drivers = $Audio::defaultDriver;
          // make sure that there is an active driver
          if($pref::Audio::activeDriver $= "")
             $pref::Audio::activeDriver = $Audio::defaultDriver;
          // install the active driver
          $Audio::initialized = audioSetDriver($pref::Audio::activeDriver);
             error("Audio: failed to initialize using [" @ $pref::Audio::activeDriver @ "] driver");
             // if the driver was not the default then attempt to load the default
             if($pref::Audio::activeDriver !$= $Audio::defaultDriver)
                error("Audio: attempting to initialize [" @ $Audio::defaultDriver @ "]");
                $Audio::initialized = audioSetDriver($Audio::defaultDriver);
                   $pref::Audio::activeDriver = $Audio::defaultDriver;
          // just set the volumes that are needed now
             alxListenerf( AL_GAIN_LINEAR, $pref::Audio::masterVolume );
             alxSetChannelVolume( $GuiAudioType, $pref::Audio::guiVolume );
    function repaintCanvas()
    	if ( isObject( Canvas ) )
    function resetCanvas()
    	if ( isObject( Canvas ) )
    if ( isDemo() )
    	$SkipLogin = true;
    	$LaunchMode = "Offline";
       new GuiChunkedBitmapCtrl(DemoSplashGui) {
    	   profile = "GuiContentProfile";
    	   bitmap = "gui/bg_DemoSplash.png";
    	   horizSizing = "right";
    	   vertSizing = "bottom";
    	   position = "0 0";
    	   extent = "640 480";
    	   minExtent = "8 8";
    	   visible = "1";
    	   helpTag = "0";
    	   useVariable = "0";
    	   hideCursor = "1";
    	   qLineCount = "0";
    	$DemoMasterAddress = "IP:";
       $ShellBackground = "gui/bg_Demo.png";
    	for($i = 1; $i < $Game::argc ; $i++)
    	   $arg = $Game::argv[$i];
    	   $nextArg = $Game::argv[$i+1];
    	   $nextArg2 = $Game::argv[$i+2];
    	   $hasNextArg = $Game::argc - $i > 1;
    	   $has2NextArgs = $Game::argc - $i > 2;
    	   if (!stricmp(fileExt($arg), ".dif"))
    	      $LaunchMode = "InteriorView";
    	      //$SkipLogin = true;
    	      $TestObjectFileName = $arg;
    	   else if(!stricmp(fileExt($arg), ".dif\""))
    	      $LaunchMode = "InteriorView";
    	      //$SkipLogin = true;
    	      $TestObjectFileName = getSubStr($arg,1, strlen($arg) - 2);
    	   else if ( $arg $= "-mod" && $hasNextArg )
    	      setModPaths( $nextArg );
    	      $i += 2;
             $PureServer = false;
    	   else if($arg $= "-dedicated")
    	      $LaunchMode = "DedicatedServer";
    	   else if($arg $= "-nonpure")
             $PureServer = false;
    	   else if($arg $= "-clientprefs" && $hasNextArg)
    	      $clientprefs = $nextArg;
    	   else if($arg $= "-serverprefs" && $hasNextArg)
    	      $serverprefs = $nextArg;
    	   else if($arg $= "-host")
    	      $LaunchMode = "HostGame";
    	   else if($arg $= "-mission" && $has2NextArgs)
    	      $i += 2;
    	      $mission = $nextArg;
    	      $missionType = $nextArg2;
    	   else if($arg $= "-telnetParams" && $has2NextArgs)
    	      $i += 3;
    	      $telnetPort = $nextArg;
    	      $telnetPassword = $nextArg2;
    	      $telnetListenPass = $nextArg3;
             telnetSetParameters($telnetPort, $telnetPassword, $telnetListenPass);
    	   else if($arg $= "-connect" && $hasNextArg)
    	      $LaunchMode = "Connect";
    	      $JoinGameAddress = $nextArg;
    	   else if($arg $= "-password" && $hasNextArg)
    	      $JoinGamePassword = $nextArg;
    	   else if($arg $= "-jload" && $hasNextArg)
    	      $JournalFile = $nextArg;
    	      $JournalMode = "LoadJournal";
             $PureServer = false;
    	   else if($arg $= "-jsave" && $hasNextArg)
    	      $JournalFile = $nextArg;
    	      $JournalMode = "SaveJournal";
             $PureServer = false;
    	   else if($arg $= "-jplay" && $hasNextArg)
    	      $JournalFile = $nextArg;
    	      $journalMode = "PlayJournal";
             $PureServer = false;
    	   else if($arg $= "-navBuild" && $has2NextArgs)
    	      $i += 2;
    	      $LaunchMode = "NavBuild";
    	      $mission = $nextArg;
    	      $missionType = $nextArg2;
    	   else if($arg $= "-spnBuild" && $has2NextArgs)
    	      $i += 2;
    	      $LaunchMode = "SpnBuild";
    	      $mission = $nextArg;
    	      $missionType = $nextArg2;
    	   else if($arg $= "-demo")
    	      $LaunchMode = "Demo";
    	   else if($arg $= "-login" && $has2NextArgs)
    	      $i += 2;
    	      $Login = true;
    	      $LoginName = $nextArg;
    	      $LoginPassword = $nextArg2;
             $PureServer = false;
    	   else if($arg $= "-show")
    	      $LaunchMode = "TSShow";
    	   else if($arg $= "-con")
    	      $LaunchMode = "Console";
    	   else if ($arg $= "-bot" && $hasNextArg)
    	      $CmdLineBotCount = $nextArg;
    	   else if ($arg $= "-light" && $hasNextArg)
    	      $LaunchMode = "SceneLight";
    	      $mission = $nextArg;
    	   else if ($arg $= "-prepbuild")
             $PureServer = false;
    	   else if($arg $= "-quit")
    	   else if ($arg $= "-nologin")
    	      $SkipLogin = true;
    	      if ($LaunchMode !$= "DedicatedServer")
    	         $LaunchMode = "Offline";
    	   else if ( $arg $= "-online" )
    	      $fromLauncher = true;
       //see if we're launching a pure server
       if ($LaunchMode $= "DedicatedServer" && $PureServer)
          if (setPureServer(1))
             $Con::prompt = "PURE% ";
    	// load autoexec once for command-line overrides:
    	exec("autoexec.cs", true); 
    	switch$( $JournalMode )
    	   case "LoadJournal":
    	      echo("Loading event log from journal: " @ $JournalFile);
    	   case "SaveJournal":
    	      echo("Saving event log to journal: " @ $JournalFile);
    	   case "PlayJournal":
    // load defaults
    exec("scripts/clientDefaults.cs", true);
    exec("scripts/serverDefaults.cs", true);
    exec($clientprefs, true, true);
    exec($serverprefs, true, true);
    //convert the team skin and name vars to tags...
    $index = 0;
    while ($Host::TeamSkin[$index] !$= "")
       $TeamSkin[$index] = addTaggedString($Host::TeamSkin[$index]);
    $index = 0;
    while ($Host::TeamName[$index] !$= "")
       $TeamName[$index] = addTaggedString($Host::TeamName[$index]);
    // initialize the hologram names:
    $index = 1;
    while ( $Host::holoName[$index] !$= "" )
       $holoName[$index] = $Host::holoName[$index];
    // load autoexec again to override video settings/window creation
    exec("autojournal.cs", true, true); // put journal'd startup options in here
                                        // so you can autoconnect to servers, etc.
    exec("autoexec.cs", true); 
    // Go through the command line for setting overrides
    // Added mostly for the Linux client (Sam Lantinga)
    for($i = 1; $i < $Game::argc ; $i++)
       $arg = $Game::argv[$i];
       $nextArg = $Game::argv[$i+1];
       $hasNextArg = $Game::argc - $i > 1;
       if($arg $= "--nosound" || $arg $= "-s")
          $noloadAudio = 1;
       else if($arg $= "--fullscreen" || $arg $= "-f")
          $pref::Video::fullScreen = 1;
       else if($arg $= "--windowed" || $arg $= "-w")
          $pref::Video::fullScreen = 0;
       else if(($arg $= "--gllibrary" || $arg $= "-g") && $hasNextArg)
          $pref::OpenGL::driver = $nextArg;
    //note - no argument means the seed will be set according to Platform::getRealMilliseconds()...
    if( $Pref::useImmersion )
       enableImmersion( true );   
    $showImmersionDialog = $Pref::useImmersion && $ImmEnabled;
    if (!isDemo())
       switch( $pref::Shell::lastBackground )
          case 0:
             $ShellBackground = "gui/bg_Hammers.png";
          case 1:
             $ShellBackground = "gui/bg_BloodEagle.png";
          case 2:
             $ShellBackground = "gui/bg_DiamondSword.png";
          case 3:
             $ShellBackground = "gui/bg_Starwolf.png";
          case 4:
             $ShellBackground = "gui/bg_Harbingers.png";
             $ShellBackground = "gui/bg_Bioderm.png";
    function dedCheckLoginDone()
       %res = WONLoginResult();
       %status = getField(%res, 0);
       %msg = getField(%res, 1);
       if(%status $= "Waiting")
          if(%status $= "OK")
             $LoginName = "";
             $LoginPassword = "";
             echo("ERROR STARTING DEDICATED SERVER: " @ %msg);
    function SetLoginResponder(%time)
       if ( $LoginName $= "" )
          LoginEditBox.schedule( %time, makeFirstResponder, 1 );
          LoginPasswordBox.schedule( %time, makeFirstResponder, 1 );
    function EULADlg::onWake( %this )
       EULAInstructions.setText( "Please read the following License Agreement carefully."
             NL "You must accept this agreement in order to play"
             NL "Tribes 2." );
       %file = new FileObject();
       %fileOpenSuccess = false;
       if (isT2UkBuild())
          // Uk EULA
          %fileOpenSuccess = %file.openForRead("UKEULA.TXT");
          // US+ EULA
          %fileOpenSuccess = %file.openForRead("EULA.TXT");
       if ( %fileOpenSuccess )
          while ( !%file.isEOF() )
             %line = %file.readLine();
             if ( %text $= "" )
                %text = "" @ %line;
                %text = %text NL %line;
          error( "Failed to open the EULA file!" ); 
       EULAText.setText( %text );
    function EULADlg::accepted( %this )
       $pref::AcceptedEULA = true;
       Canvas.popDialog( %this );
    function LoginDlg::onWake( %this )
       SetLoginResponder( 100 );
    function LoginProcess(%editAcct)
       Canvas.popDialog( LoginDlg );
       LoginMessagePopup( "PLEASE WAIT", "Validating login..." );
       WONStartLogin( $LoginName, $LoginPassword, %editAcct );
       StartupGui.loginSchedule = StartupGui.schedule( 1000, checkLoginDone,%editAcct );
    function PasswordProcess()
       LoginMessagePopup( "PLEASE WAIT", "Attempting to email you your login password..." );
       StartupGui.loginSchedule = StartupGui.schedule( 1000, checkLoginDone,false,true );
    function LoginMessageBox( %title, %message, %buttonText, %callback )
       LoginMessageBoxFrame.setTitle( %title );
       LoginMessageBoxText.setText( "" @ %message );
       LoginMessageBoxButton.setValue( %buttonText );
       LoginMessageBoxDlg.callback = %callback;
       Canvas.pushDialog( LoginMessageBoxDlg );
    function LoginMessagePopup( %title, %message )
       LoginMessagePopupFrame.setTitle( %title );
       LoginMessagePopupText.setText( "" @ %message );
       Canvas.pushDialog( LoginMessagePopupDlg );
    function LoginMessageBoxButtonProcess()
       Canvas.popDialog( LoginMessageBoxDlg );
       if ( LoginMessageBoxDlg.callback !$= "" )
          eval( LoginMessageBoxDlg.callback );
    function EditAccountDlg::onUpdate(%this)
       if ( strcmp( $LoginPassword, EA_OldPassword.getValue() ) != 0 )
          LoginMessageBox( "UPDATE FAILED", "The password you entered is incorrect.", "OK" );
       if ( strcmp( $CreateAccountPassword, $CreateAccountConfirmPassword ) )
          LoginMessageBox( "ERROR", "Passwords don't match.", "OK" );
       WONStartUpdateAccount( $CreateAccountPassword,
                        $CreateAccountSendInfo );
       StartupGui.loginSchedule = StartupGui.schedule( 1000, checkLoginDone );
       StartupGui.updatingAccount = true;
       LoginMessagePopup( "PLEASE WAIT", "Updating account information..." );
    function EditAccountDlg::onDontUpdate(%this)
  • edited August 2014
    PART 2
    function StartupGui::checkLoginDone( %this, %editAcct, %emailCheck )
       %result = WONLoginResult();
       %code = getField( %result, 1 );
       %codeText = getField( %result, 2 );
       %status = getField( %result, 0 );
       %errorString = getField( %result, 3);
       if ( %status $= "Waiting" )
          LoginMessagePopupText.setValue( "" @ %code );
          %this.loginSchedule = %this.schedule( 1000, checkLoginDone, %editAcct, %emailCheck );
       else if ( %status !$= "OK" )
             case "WS_DBProxyServ_InvalidUserName":
                %msg = "Account Creation Failed - Invalid login name.  Login names may only contain letters, numbers and underlines, and must be from 3 to 16 characters in length.";
             case "WS_DBProxyServ_UserDoesNotExist":
                %msg = "Email Password Failed - No such login name.  Please check the login name and try again.";
             case "WS_AuthServ_BadCDKey" or "WS_DBProxyServ_InvalidCDKey":
                %msg = "Account Creation Failed - Invalid CD Key.  Please check the CD key for errors.";
             case "WS_TimedOut":
                %msg = "Login Failed - Server timed out.  Your internet connection may be having problems or the servers may be temporarily unavailable.";
             case "WS_DBProxyServ_KeyInUse":
                %msg = "Account Creation Failed - That CD Key has already been used to create an account.";
             case "WS_DBProxyServ_AccountCreationDisabled":
                %msg = "Account Creation Failed - Account creation is temporarily disabled.  Please try again later.";
             case "WS_DBProxyServ_UserExists":
                %msg = "Account Creation Failed - That login name is already taken.  Please choose another login name.";
             case "WS_DBProxyServ_DBError":
                %msg = "Account Creation Failed - The database is temporarily offline (error code - " @ getField(%result, 3) @ ")";
             case "WS_AuthServ_CDKeyBanned":
                %msg = "Login Failed - Your account has been banned.  You may not play Tribes 2.";
             case "WS_AuthServ_UserSeqInUse":
                %msg = "Login Failed - Someone is already playing using this account.  If you are not logged in already, please wait 20 minutes and try again.";
             case "WS_AuthServ_CRCFailed":
                %msg = "Login Failed - Your version of Tribes 2 is out of date or has been modified.  You may have a virus.";
             case "WS_AuthServ_UserNotFound" or "WS_AuthServ_BadPassword" or "WS_AuthServ_InvalidUserName":
                %msg = "Login Failed - Please check your login name and password and try again.";
             case "WS_AuthServ_NotInCommunity":
                %msg = "Login Failed - This account is not a valid Tribes 2 account.";
             case "AuthServerListFail":
                %msg = "Login Failed - Unable to fetch authentication server list.  Please try again soon.";
             case "ProfileServerListFail":
                %msg = "Login Failed - Unable to fetch profile server list.  Please try again soon.";
             case "BadWords":
                %msg = "Account Creation Failed - Your warrior name may not contain profanity.  Please choose another warrior name.";
                if(%code = -2999)
    			      if(%code == -2902)
    					   %msg = "Account has already been created - Please login." @ %code;
                      %msg = "Account Creation Failed - That warrior name is already in use.  Please choose another warrior name and try again. Code = " @ %code;
                else if ( %code == -2809 )
                   %msg = "Email check failed - You can not request more than one account info email per every 24-hour period.";
    			else if ( %code == -2806)
    				%msg = "Invalid Login Name";
                else if(%errorString !$= "")
                   %msg = "Error - " @ %errorString;
                   %msg = "Login Failed - Your internet connection may be having problems or the servers may be temporarily unavailable.  (Error code: " @ %codeText @ ")";
          Canvas.popDialog( LoginMessagePopupDlg );
          if ( StartupGui.updatingAccount )
             LoginMessageBox( "UPDATE FAILED", %msg, "OK", "schedule(0,0,LoginDone);" );
          else if ( %emailCheck )
             LoginMessageBox( "FETCH FAILED", %msg, "OK", "StartupGui::dumbFunction();" );
             LoginMessageBox( "LOGIN FAILED", %msg, "OK", "StartupGui::dumbFunction();" );
       else // we're logged in...
          // Since we've successfully logged in, save the password:
          if ( $pref::RememberPassword )
             if ( StartupGui.updatingAccount )
             $CreateAccountLoginName = $LoginName;
             $CreateAccountPassword = $LoginPassword;
             $CreateAccountConfirmPassword = $LoginPassword;
             $CreateAccountEmail = %codeText;
             $CreateAccountSendInfo = %code;
          else if(%emailCheck)
             Canvas.popDialog( LoginMessagePopupDlg );
             schedule( 0, 0, "LoginDone" );
    function StartupGui::dumbFunction( %this )
       if ( ! )
          Canvas.pushDialog( LoginDlg );
    function CreateAccount()
       $CreateAccountLoginName = "";
       $CreateAccountWarriorName = "";
       $CreateAccountPassword = "";
       $CreateAccountConfirmPassword = "";
       CreateAccountCDKey1.setText( "" );
       CreateAccountCDKey2.setText( "" );
       CreateAccountCDKey3.setText( "" );
       CreateAccountCDKey4.setText( "" );
       CreateAccountCDKey5.setText( "" );
       $CreateAccountEmail = "";
       $CreateAccountSendInfo = 0;
       if ( $platform $= "windows" && isKoreanBuild() )
          CreateAccountAgeBlurbText.setText( "If you are under 15 years old, you are not allowed to create a Tribes 2 account." );
          CreateAccountOldEnoughTgl.setText( "I AM AT LEAST 15 YEARS OF AGE" );
          CreateAccountAgeBlurbText.setText( "We are COPPA compliant.\nIf you are under 13, you are not allowed to create a Tribes 2 account." );
       Canvas.pushDialog( CreateAccountDlg );
    function CreateAccountDlg::onWake( %this )
    { = true;
       CreateAccountSubmitBtn.setActive( false );
       schedule( 0, 0, updateSubmitButton );
    function CreateAccountDlg::onSleep( %this )
    { = false;
    function WarriorNameEntry::validateWarriorName( %this )
       %name = %this.getValue();
       %test = strToPlayerName( %name );
       if ( %name !$= %test )
          %this.setText( %test );   
    function buildCDKey()
       $CreateAccountCDKey = strupr( CreateAccountCDKey1.getValue() 
                           @ "-" @ CreateAccountCDKey2.getValue() 
                           @ "-" @ CreateAccountCDKey3.getValue() 
                           @ "-" @ CreateAccountCDKey4.getValue()
                           @ "-" @ CreateAccountCDKey5.getValue() ) ;
    function CreateAccountCDKey1::process( %this )
       if ( strlen( %this.getValue() ) == 4 )
          CreateAccountCDKey2.makeFirstResponder( true );
    function CreateAccountCDKey2::process( %this )
       if ( strlen( %this.getValue() ) == 4 )
          CreateAccountCDKey3.makeFirstResponder( true );
    function CreateAccountCDKey3::process( %this )
       if ( strlen( %this.getValue() ) == 4 )
          CreateAccountCDKey4.makeFirstResponder( true );
    function CreateAccountCDKey4::process( %this )
       if ( strlen( %this.getValue() ) == 4 )
          CreateAccountCDKey5.makeFirstResponder( true );
    function CreateAccountCDKey5::process( %this )
    function updateSubmitButton()
       if ( ! )
       %allDone = true;
       if ( strlen( $CreateAccountLoginName ) < 3 )
          %allDone = false;
       else if ( strlen( $CreateAccountWarriorName ) < 3 )
          %allDone = false;
       else if ( strlen( $CreateAccountCDKey ) != 24 )
          %allDone = false;
       else if ( strlen( $CreateAccountEmail ) < 5 || strpos( $CreateAccountEmail, "@" ) == -1  )
          %allDone = false;
       else if (!$CreateAccountAgeGood)
          %allDone = false;
       CreateAccountSubmitBtn.setActive( %allDone );
       schedule( 1000, 0, updateSubmitButton );
    function PickLoginInfoDlg::onWake( %this )
       FetchLoginNameEntry.setValue( $LoginName );
       FetchLoginNameRdo.setValue( true );
    function FetchLoginNameRdo::onAction( %this )
       FetchPasswordRdo.resize( 29, 144, 240, 30 );
       FetchLoginNamePane.setVisible( true );
       FetchPasswordPane.setVisible( false );
       FetchEmailAddress.makeFirstResponder( true );
    function FetchPasswordRdo::onAction( %this )
       FetchPasswordRdo.resize( 29, 65, 240, 30 );
       FetchLoginNamePane.setVisible( false );
       FetchPasswordPane.setVisible( true );
       FetchLoginNameEntry.makeFirstResponder( true );
    function FetchLoginInfo()
       Canvas.popDialog( PickLoginInfoDlg );
       if ( FetchLoginNameRdo.getValue() )
          LoginMessagePopup( "PLEASE WAIT", "Attempting to email you your login name..." );
          WONStartLoginInfoFetch( FetchEmailAddress.getValue() );
          StartupGui.loginSchedule = StartupGui.schedule( 1000, checkLoginDone, false, true );
          LoginMessagePopup( "PLEASE WAIT", "Attempting to email you your login password..." );
          WONStartEmailFetch( FetchLoginNameEntry.getValue() );
          StartupGui.loginSchedule = StartupGui.schedule( 1000, checkLoginDone, false, true );
    function CleanUpAndGo()
       Canvas.popDialog( LoginMessagePopupDlg );
       Canvas.setContent( "" );
       Canvas.setCursor( "" );
       if ( !$pref::SkipIntro )
       if ( !$SkipLogin )
       if (isDemo())
       $CreateAccountPassword = "";
       $CreateAccountLoginName = "";
       $CreateAccountConfirmPassword = "";
       $LoginName = "";
       $LoginPassword = "";
    function LoginDone()
       // Save off the login name for next time:
       $pref::LastLoginName = $LoginName;
       export( "$pref::*", "prefs/ClientPrefs.cs", False );
    function CreateAccountDlg::onCancel()
       Canvas.popDialog( CreateAccountDlg );
    function CreateAccountDlg::onSubmit()
       if ( strcmp( $CreateAccountPassword, $CreateAccountConfirmPassword ) )
          LoginMessageBox( "ERROR", "Passwords don't match.", "OK" );
       if ( !$CreateAccountAgeGood )
          LoginMessageBox( "INVALID ENTRY", "You must be at least thirteen years old to create a Tribes 2 account.", "OK" );
       $LoginName = $CreateAccountLoginName;
       WONStartCreateAccount( $CreateAccountLoginName,
                        $CreateAccountSendInfo );
       StartupGui.loginSchedule = StartupGui.schedule( 1000, checkLoginDone );
       LoginMessagePopup( "PLEASE WAIT", "Validating account information..." );
    function hideImmSplashDlg()
       Canvas.popDialog( ImmSplashDlg );
    function checkIntroDone()
       if (IntroGui.done)
          Canvas.popDialog( IntroGui );
          schedule( 100, 0, checkIntroDone );
    function StartLoginProcess()
       if ( !$pref::AcceptedEULA )
          Canvas.pushDialog( EULADlg );
       if ( $showImmersionDialog )
          $showImmersionDialog = false;
          Canvas.pushDialog( ImmSplashDlg );
          schedule( 2500, 0, hideImmSplashDlg );
       if ( !$SkipLogin )
          if ( $LaunchMode $= "Normal" && !$fromLauncher )
             LoginMessageBox( "ERROR", "In order to play Tribes 2 online, you must launch the game using the supplied shortcuts.", "OK", "quit();" );
             Canvas.pushDialog( LoginDlg );
             if ( $LaunchMode $= "Demo" )
                if ( $Login == true )
          $PlayingOnline = false;
          if (!isDemo())
             LoginMessagePopup( "INITIALIZING", "Please wait..." );
             schedule(5000, 0, CleanUpAndGo);
       echo("-- Multiplayer Patched");
    if ($LaunchMode $= "DedicatedServer" ||
        $LaunchMode $= "Console" ||
        $LaunchMode $= "NavBuild" ||
        $LaunchMode $= "SpnBuild")
       $Con::logBufferEnabled = false;
          $PlayingOnline = true;
       else if($SkipLogin)
          $PlayingOnline = false;
          $PlayingOnline = true;
       // WinNT does not currently support gammaCorrection (disable in options)
       $Video::setGammaCorrectionSupported = !(($platform $= "windows") && ($platformVersion $= "winnt"));
       setOpenGLTextureCompressionHint( $pref::OpenGL::compressionHint );
       setOpenGLAnisotropy( $pref::OpenGL::anisotropy );
       setOpenGLMipReduction( $pref::OpenGL::mipReduction );
       setOpenGLInteriorMipReduction( $pref::OpenGL::interiorMipReduction );
       setOpenGLSkyMipReduction( $pref::OpenGL::skyMipReduction );
       setShadowDetailLevel( $pref::shadows );
       setDefaultFov( $pref::Player::defaultFov );
       setZoomSpeed( $pref::Player::zoomSpeed );
       // create control and object profiles:
       new GuiCursor (DefaultCursor)
          hotSpot = "1 1";
          bitmapName = "gui/CUR_3darrow";
       new GuiControlProfile (DlgBackProfile)
          opaque = true;
          fillColor = "0 0 0 160";
       new GuiControlProfile (GuiContentProfile)
          opaque = true;
          fillColor = "255 255 255";
       new GuiControlProfile (ShellDlgPaneProfile)
          fontType = "Sui Generis";
          fontSize = 22;
          fontColor = "5 5 5";
          autoSizeWidth = false;
          autoSizeHeight = false;
          bitmapBase = "gui/dlg";
       new GuiControlProfile (NewScrollCtrlProfile)
          bitmapBase = "gui/shll_scroll";
          soundButtonDown = sButtonDown;
          soundButtonOver = sButtonOver;
       new GuiControlProfile (ShellMediumTextProfile)
          fontType = "Univers";
          fontSize = 18;
          fontColor = "6 245 215";
          autoSizeWidth = false;
          autoSizeHeight = true;
       new GuiControlProfile (ShellMessageTextProfile)
          fontType = "Univers";
          fontSize = 18;
          fontColor = "66 219 234";
          fontColorHL = "25 68 56";
          fillColorHL = "50 233 206";
          cursorColor = "200 240 240";
          autoSizeWidth = true;
          autoSizeHeight = true;
       new GuiControlProfile (ShellButtonProfile)
          fontType = "Univers Condensed";
          fontSize = 16;
          fontColor = "8 19 6";
          fontColorHL = "25 68 56";
          fontColorNA = "5 5 5";
          fontColorSEL = "25 68 56";
          fixedExtent = true;
          justify = "center";
          bitmap = "gui/shll_button";
          textOffset = "0 10";
          soundButtonDown = sButtonDown;
          soundButtonOver = sButtonOver;
          tab = true;
          canKeyFocus = true;
  • edited August 2014
    PART 3
    new GuiControlProfile (IntroProfile)
          opaque = true;
          fillColor = "8 8 8 255";
          tab = true;
          canKeyFocus = true;
       // create guis for this file 
       // Startup gui:
       new GuiChunkedBitmapCtrl (StartupGui) {
          profile = "GuiContentProfile";
          horizSizing = "width";
          vertSizing = "height";
          position = "0 0";
          extent = "640 480";
          minExtent = "8 8";
          visible = "1";
          setFirstResponder = "0";
          modal = "1";
          helpTag = "0";
          bitmap = $ShellBackground;
       // EULA dialog:
       new GuiControl(EULADlg) {
          profile = "DlgBackProfile";
          horizSizing = "right";
          vertSizing = "bottom";
          position = "0 0";
          extent = "640 480";
          minExtent = "8 8";
          visible = "1";
          helpTag = "0";
          new ShellPaneCtrl() {
             profile = "ShellDlgPaneProfile";
             horizSizing = "center";
             vertSizing = "center";
             position = "100 60";
             extent = "440 360";
             minExtent = "48 92";
             visible = "1";
             helpTag = "0";
             text = "LICENSE AGREEMENT";
             noTitleBar = "0";
             new GuiMLTextCtrl(EULAInstructions) {
                profile = "ShellMediumTextProfile";
                horizSizing = "right";
                vertSizing = "bottom";
                position = "26 34";
                extent = "390 14";
                minExtent = "8 8";
                visible = "1";
                helpTag = "0";
                lineSpacing = "2";
             new ShellScrollCtrl() {
                profile = "NewScrollCtrlProfile";
                horizSizing = "right";
                vertSizing = "bottom";
                position = "22 90";
                extent = "396 213";
                minExtent = "24 52";
                childMargin = "3 3";
                visible = "1";
                helpTag = "0";
                willFirstRespond = "1";
                hScrollBar = "alwaysOff";
                vScrollBar = "alwaysOn";
                constantThumbHeight = "0";
                fieldBase = "gui/shll_field";
                new GuiScrollContentCtrl() {
                   profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
                   horizSizing = "width";
                   vertSizing = "height";
                   position = "4 4";
                   extent = "370 175";
                   minExtent = "8 8";
                   visible = "1";
                   helpTag = "0";
                   new GuiMLTextCtrl(EULAText) {
                      profile = "ShellMessageTextProfile";
                      horizSizing = "width";
                      vertSizing = "height";
                      position = "0 0";
                      extent = "366 16";
                      minExtent = "8 8";
                      visible = "1";
                      helpTag = "0";
                      lineSpacing = "2";
             new ShellBitmapButton() {
                profile = "ShellButtonProfile";
                horizSizing = "right";
                vertSizing = "bottom";
                position = "61 305";
                extent = "140 38";
                minExtent = "32 38";
                visible = "1";
                command = "quit();";
                helpTag = "0";
                text = "QUIT";
                simpleStyle = "0";
             new ShellBitmapButton() {
                profile = "ShellButtonProfile";
                horizSizing = "right";
                vertSizing = "bottom";
                position = "251 305";
                extent = "140 38";
                minExtent = "32 38";
                visible = "1";
                command = "EULADlg.accepted();";
                helpTag = "0";
                text = "ACCEPT";
                simpleStyle = "0";
       // Message Popup dialog:
       new GuiControl (LoginMessagePopupDlg) {
          profile = "DlgBackProfile";
          horizSizing = "width";
          vertSizing = "height";
          position = "0 0";
          extent = "640 480";
          minExtent = "8 8";
          visible = "1";
          helpTag = "0";
          new ShellPaneCtrl (LoginMessagePopupFrame) {
             profile = "ShellDlgPaneProfile";
             horizSizing = "center";
             vertSizing = "center";
             position = "165 194";
             extent = "310 108";
             minExtent = "48 92";
             visible = "1";
             helpTag = "0";
             new GuiMLTextCtrl (LoginMessagePopupText) {
                profile = "ShellMediumTextProfile";
                horizSizing = "right";
                vertSizing = "bottom";
                position = "32 40";
                extent = "246 32";
                minExtent = "8 8";
                visible = "1";
                helpTag = "0";
       // Message Box dialog:
       new GuiControl(LoginMessageBoxDlg) {
          profile = "DlgBackProfile";
          horizSizing = "width";
          vertSizing = "height";
          position = "0 0";
          extent = "640 480";
          minExtent = "8 8";
          visible = "1";
          helpTag = "0";
          new ShellPaneCtrl(LoginMessageBoxFrame) {
             profile = "ShellDlgPaneProfile";
             horizSizing = "center";
             vertSizing = "center";
             position = "170 137";
             extent = "300 206";
             minExtent = "48 92";
             visible = "1";
             helpTag = "0";
             new GuiMLTextCtrl(LoginMessageBoxText) {
                profile = "ShellMediumTextProfile";
                horizSizing = "center";
                vertSizing = "bottom";
                position = "32 39";
                extent = "236 18";
                minExtent = "8 8";
                visible = "1";
                helpTag = "0";
                lineSpacing = "2";
             new ShellBitmapButton(LoginMessageBoxButton) {
                profile = "ShellButtonProfile";
                horizSizing = "center";
                vertSizing = "bottom";
                position = "70 140";
                extent = "120 38";
                minExtent = "32 38";
                visible = "1";
                command = "LoginMessageBoxButtonProcess();";
                accelerator = "return";
                helpTag = "0";
                text = "OK";
                simpleStyle = "0";
       // Immersion splash dialog:
       new GuiControl (ImmSplashDlg) {
          profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
          horizSizing = "right";
          vertSizing = "bottom";
          position = "0 0";
          extent = "640 480";
          minExtent = "8 8";
          visible = "1";
          helpTag = "0";
          new GuiControl() {
             profile = "GuiModelessDialogProfile";
             horizSizing = "center";
             vertSizing = "center";
             position = "40 150";
             extent = "540 168";
             minExtent = "8 8";
             visible = "1";
             helpTag = "0";
             new GuiChunkedBitmapCtrl() {
                profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
                horizSizing = "width";
                vertSizing = "height";
                position = "0 0";
                extent = "540 168";
                minExtent = "8 8";
                visible = "1";
                helpTag = "0";
                bitmap = "gui/Immersion.jpg";
                wrap = "0";
       if ( !$pref::SkipIntro )
          new GuiFadeinBitmapCtrl(GGIntroGui)
             profile = "IntroProfile";
             horizSizing = "width";
             vertSizing = "height";
             position = "0 0";
             extent = "640 480";
             minExtent = "8 8";
             visible = "1";
             setFirstResponder = "1";
             fadeTime = 2000;
             fadeOut = true;
             bitmap = "gui/GGSplash";
          new GuiAviBitmapCtrl(IntroGui) 
             profile = "IntroProfile";
             horizSizing = "width";
             vertSizing = "height";
             position = "0 0";
             extent = "640 480";
             minExtent = "8 8";
             visible = "1";
             variable = "";
             helpTag = "0";
             useVariable = "1";
             aviFileName = "T2IntroC15.avi";
             wavFileName = "T2Intro.wav";
             setFirstResponder = "1";
             letterBox = true;
             swapRB = false;
       if ( !$SkipLogin )
          // Login-only profiles:
          new GuiControlProfile (CloseButtonProfile)
             bitmap = "gui/shll_menuclose";
             soundButtonDown = sButtonDown;
             soundButtonOver = sButtonOver;
             tab = true;
             canKeyFocus = true;
          new GuiControlProfile (NewTextEditProfile)
             fillColorHL = "130 190 185";
             fontType = "Univers";
             fontSize = 16;
             fontColor = "60 140 140";
             fontColorHL = "25 68 56";
             cursorColor = "173 255 250";
             bitmap = "gui/shll_entryfield";
             textOffset = "14 0";
             autoSizeWidth = false;
             autoSizeHeight = false;
             tab = true;
             canKeyFocus = true;
          new GuiControlProfile (ShellPopupProfile)
             fontType = "Univers";
             fontSize = 16;
             fontColor = "8 19 6";
             fontColorHL = "25 68 56";
             fontColorNA = "5 5 5";
             fontColorSEL = "8 19 6";
             fixedExtent = true;
             justify = "center";
             soundButtonDown = sButtonDown;
             soundButtonOver = sButtonOver;
             bitmapBase = "gui/shll_scroll";
             tab = true;
             canKeyFocus = true;
          new GuiControlProfile (ShellRadioProfile)
             fontType = "Univers Condensed";
             fontSize = 16;
             fontColor = "8 19 6";
             fontColorHL = "25 68 56";
             fontColorNA = "5 5 5";
             fixedExtent = true;
             justify = "center";
             bitmap = "gui/shll_radio";
             soundButtonDown = sButtonDown;
             soundButtonOver = sButtonOver;
             tab = true;
             canKeyFocus = true;
          new GuiControlProfile (ShellTextRightProfile)
             fontType = "Univers Condensed";
             fontSize = 18;
             fontColor = "66 229 244";
             justify = "right";
             autoSizeWidth = false;
             autoSizeHeight = true;
          if (!$SkipLogin && !$fromLauncher) {
          // Login dialog:
          new GuiControl(LoginDlg) {
    	      profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
    	      horizSizing = "right";
    	      vertSizing = "bottom";
    	      position = "0 0";
    	      extent = "640 480";
    	      minExtent = "8 8";
    	      visible = "1";
    	      helpTag = "0";
    	      new ShellPaneCtrl() {
    		      profile = "ShellDlgPaneProfile";
    		      horizSizing = "center";
    		      vertSizing = "center";
    		      position = "72 143";
    		      extent = "495 194";
    		      minExtent = "48 92";
    		      visible = "1";
    		      helpTag = "0";
    		      text = "LOGIN";
    		      maxLength = "255";
    		      noTitleBar = "0";
    		      new GuiTextCtrl() {
    			      profile = "ShellTextRightProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "bottom";
    			      position = "37 47";
    			      extent = "85 22";
    			      minExtent = "8 8";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      text = "Account Name:";
    			      maxLength = "255";
    		      new ShellTextEditCtrl(LoginEditBox) {
    			      profile = "NewTextEditProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "bottom";
    			      position = "118 39";
    			      extent = "180 38";
    			      minExtent = "32 38";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      variable = "$LoginName";
    			      altCommand = "LoginProcess();";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      maxLength = "16";
    			      historySize = "0";
    			      password = "0";
    			      glowOffset = "9 9";
    		      new GuiTextCtrl() {
    			      profile = "ShellTextRightProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "bottom";
    			      position = "37 77";
    			      extent = "85 22";
    			      minExtent = "8 8";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      text = "Password:";
    			      maxLength = "255";
    		      new GuiLoginPasswordCtrl(LoginPasswordBox) {
    			      profile = "NewTextEditProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "bottom";
    			      position = "118 69";
    			      extent = "180 38";
    			      minExtent = "32 38";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      variable = "$LoginPassword";
    			      altCommand = "LoginProcess();";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      maxLength = "16";
    			      historySize = "0";
    			      password = "1";
    			      glowOffset = "9 9";
    		      new ShellBitmapButton() {
    			      profile = "ShellButtonProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "bottom";
    			      position = "300 39";
    			      extent = "147 38";
    			      minExtent = "32 38";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      command = "LoginProcess(false);";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      text = "LOG IN";
    			      simpleStyle = "0";
    		      new ShellBitmapButton() {
    			      profile = "ShellButtonProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "bottom";
    			      position = "300 69";
    			      extent = "147 38";
    			      minExtent = "32 38";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      command = "CreateAccount();";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      text = "CREATE NEW ACCOUNT";
    			      simpleStyle = "0";
    		      new ShellBitmapButton() {
    			      profile = "ShellButtonProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "bottom";
    			      position = "300 99";
    			      extent = "147 38";
    			      minExtent = "32 38";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      command = "LoginProcess(true);";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      text = "EDIT ACCOUNT";
    			      simpleStyle = "0";
    		      new ShellBitmapButton() {
    			      profile = "ShellButtonProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "bottom";
    			      position = "300 129";
    			      extent = "147 38";
    			      minExtent = "32 38";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      command = "quit();";
    			      accelerator = "escape";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      text = "QUIT";
    			      simpleStyle = "0";
    		      new ShellToggleButton() {
    			      profile = "ShellRadioProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "bottom";
    			      position = "122 104";
    			      extent = "167 27";
    			      minExtent = "26 27";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      variable = "$pref::RememberPassword";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      text = "REMEMBER PASSWORD";
    			      maxLength = "255";
    		      new ShellBitmapButton() {
    			      profile = "ShellButtonProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "bottom";
    			      position = "118 129";
    			      extent = "180 38";
    			      minExtent = "32 38";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      command = "Canvas.pushDialog( PickLoginInfoDlg );";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      text = "EMAIL ME MY LOGIN INFO";
    			      simpleStyle = "0";
  • edited August 2014
    PART 4
    // Edit Account dialog:
          new GuiControl(EditAccountDlg) {
    	      profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
    	      horizSizing = "right";
    	      vertSizing = "bottom";
    	      position = "0 0";
    	      extent = "640 480";
    	      minExtent = "8 8";
    	      visible = "1";
    	      hideCursor = "0";
    	      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    	      helpTag = "0";
    		      open = "0";
    	      new ShellPaneCtrl() {
    		      profile = "ShellDlgPaneProfile";
    		      horizSizing = "center";
    		      vertSizing = "center";
    		      position = "94 116";
    		      extent = "452 284";
    		      minExtent = "48 92";
    		      visible = "1";
    		      hideCursor = "0";
    		      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    		      helpTag = "0";
    		      text = "ACCOUNT INFORMATION";
    		      maxLength = "255";
    		      noTitleBar = "0";
    		      new GuiTextCtrl() {
    			      profile = "ShellTextRightProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "top";
    			      position = "106 38";
    			      extent = "100 22";
    			      minExtent = "8 8";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      hideCursor = "0";
    			      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      text = "Old Password:";
    			      maxLength = "255";
    		      new ShellTextEditCtrl(EA_OldPassword) {
    			      profile = "NewTextEditProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "top";
    			      position = "202 30";
    			      extent = "180 38";
    			      minExtent = "32 38";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      hideCursor = "0";
    			      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      maxLength = "16";
    			      historySize = "0";
    			      password = "1";
    			      tabComplete = "0";
    			      deniedSound = "InputDeniedSound";
    			      glowOffset = "9 9";
    		      new GuiTextCtrl() {
    			      profile = "ShellTextRightProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "top";
    			      position = "106 80";
    			      extent = "100 22";
    			      minExtent = "8 8";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      hideCursor = "0";
    			      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      text = "New Password:";
    			      maxLength = "255";
    		      new GuiTextCtrl() {
    			      profile = "ShellTextRightProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "top";
    			      position = "66 110";
    			      extent = "140 22";
    			      minExtent = "8 8";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      hideCursor = "0";
    			      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      text = "Confirm New Password:";
    			      maxLength = "255";
    		      new GuiTextCtrl() {
    			      profile = "ShellTextRightProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "top";
    			      position = "44 154";
    			      extent = "73 22";
    			      minExtent = "8 8";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      hideCursor = "0";
    			      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      text = "Email:";
    			      maxLength = "255";
    		      new GuiLoginPasswordCtrl(EA_NewPassword) {
    			      profile = "NewTextEditProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "top";
    			      position = "202 72";
    			      extent = "180 38";
    			      minExtent = "32 38";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      hideCursor = "0";
    			      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    			      variable = "$CreateAccountPassword";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      maxLength = "16";
    			      historySize = "0";
    			      password = "1";
    			      tabComplete = "0";
    			      deniedSound = "InputDeniedSound";
    			      glowOffset = "9 9";
    		      new ShellTextEditCtrl() {
    			      profile = "NewTextEditProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "top";
    			      position = "202 102";
    			      extent = "180 38";
    			      minExtent = "32 38";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      hideCursor = "0";
    			      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    			      variable = "$CreateAccountConfirmPassword";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      maxLength = "16";
    			      historySize = "0";
    			      password = "1";
    			      tabComplete = "0";
    			      deniedSound = "InputDeniedSound";
    			      glowOffset = "9 9";
    		      new ShellTextEditCtrl() {
    			      profile = "NewTextEditProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "top";
    			      position = "113 144";
    			      extent = "269 38";
    			      minExtent = "32 38";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      hideCursor = "0";
    			      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    			      variable = "$CreateAccountEmail";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      maxLength = "128";
    			      historySize = "0";
    			      password = "0";
    			      tabComplete = "0";
    			      deniedSound = "InputDeniedSound";
    			      glowOffset = "9 9";
    		      new ShellToggleButton() {
    			      profile = "ShellRadioProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "center";
    			      vertSizing = "top";
    			      position = "43 190";
    			      extent = "366 30";
    			      minExtent = "26 27";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      hideCursor = "0";
    			      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    			      variable = "$CreateAccountSendInfo";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      maxLength = "255";
    		      new ShellBitmapButton() {
    			      profile = "ShellButtonProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "top";
    			      position = "65 229";
    			      extent = "128 38";
    			      minExtent = "32 38";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      hideCursor = "0";
    			      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    			      command = "EditAccountDlg.onDontUpdate();";
    			      accelerator = "escape";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      text = "CANCEL";
    			      simpleStyle = "0";
    		      new ShellBitmapButton() {
    			      profile = "ShellButtonProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "top";
    			      position = "259 229";
    			      extent = "128 38";
    			      minExtent = "32 38";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      hideCursor = "0";
    			      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    			      command = "EditAccountDlg.onUpdate();";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      text = "UPDATE";
    			      simpleStyle = "0";
          // Create Account dialog:
          new GuiControl(CreateAccountDlg) {
             profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
             horizSizing = "right";
             vertSizing = "bottom";
             position = "0 0";
             extent = "640 480";
             minExtent = "8 8";
             visible = "1";
             helpTag = "0";
                open = "0";
             new ShellPaneCtrl() {
                profile = "ShellDlgPaneProfile";
                horizSizing = "center";
                vertSizing = "center";
                position = "70 36";
                extent = "500 408";
                minExtent = "48 92";
                visible = "1";
                helpTag = "0";
                text = "ACCOUNT INFORMATION";
                noTitleBar = "0";
                new GuiTextCtrl() {
                   profile = "ShellTextRightProfile";
                   horizSizing = "right";
                   vertSizing = "bottom";
                   position = "35 35";
                   extent = "100 22";
                   minExtent = "8 8";
                   visible = "1";
                   helpTag = "0";
                   text = "Login Name:";
                new GuiTextCtrl() {
                   profile = "ShellTextRightProfile";
                   horizSizing = "right";
                   vertSizing = "bottom";
                   position = "35 110";
                   extent = "100 22";
                   minExtent = "8 8";
                   visible = "1";
                   helpTag = "0";
                   text = "Password:";
                new GuiTextCtrl() {
                   profile = "ShellTextRightProfile";
                   horizSizing = "right";
                   vertSizing = "bottom";
                   position = "35 140";
                   extent = "100 22";
                   minExtent = "8 8";
                   visible = "1";
                   helpTag = "0";
                   text = "Confirm Password:";
                new GuiTextCtrl() {
                   profile = "ShellTextRightProfile";
                   horizSizing = "right";
                   vertSizing = "bottom";
                   position = "35 170";
                   extent = "100 22";
                   minExtent = "8 8";
                   visible = "1";
                   helpTag = "0";
                   text = "CD Key:";
                new GuiTextCtrl() {
                   profile = "ShellTextRightProfile";
                   horizSizing = "right";
                   vertSizing = "bottom";
                   position = "35 218";
                   extent = "100 22";
                   minExtent = "8 8";
                   visible = "1";
                   helpTag = "0";
                   text = "Email:";
                new GuiMLTextCtrl(CreateAccountAgeBlurbText) {
                   profile = "ShellTextRightProfile";
                   horizSizing = "right";
                   vertSizing = "bottom";
                   position = "60 289";
                   extent = "376 44";
                   minExtent = "8 8";
                   visible = "1";
                   helpTag = "0";
                new GuiTextCtrl() {
                   profile = "ShellTextRightProfile";
                   horizSizing = "right";
                   vertSizing = "bottom";
                   position = "35 64";
                   extent = "100 22";
                   minExtent = "8 8";
                   visible = "1";
                   helpTag = "0";
                   text = "Warrior Name:";
                new ShellTextEditCtrl() {
                   profile = "NewTextEditProfile";
                   horizSizing = "right";
                   vertSizing = "bottom";
                   position = "131 27";
                   extent = "180 38";
                   minExtent = "32 38";
                   visible = "1";
                   variable = "$CreateAccountLoginName";
                   helpTag = "0";
                   historySize = "0";
                   maxLength = "16";
                   password = "0";
                   glowOffset = "9 9";
                new ShellTextEditCtrl(WarriorNameEntry) {
                   profile = "NewTextEditProfile";
                   horizSizing = "right";
                   vertSizing = "bottom";
                   position = "131 56";
                   extent = "180 38";
                   minExtent = "32 38";
                   visible = "1";
                   variable = "$CreateAccountWarriorName";
                   command = "WarriorNameEntry.validateWarriorName();";
                   helpTag = "0";
                   historySize = "0";
                   maxLength = "16";
                   password = "0";
                   glowOffset = "9 9";
                   IRCName = true;
                new ShellTextEditCtrl() {
                   profile = "NewTextEditProfile";
                   horizSizing = "right";
                   vertSizing = "bottom";
                   position = "131 102";
                   extent = "180 38";
                   minExtent = "32 38";
                   visible = "1";
                   variable = "$CreateAccountPassword";
                   helpTag = "0";
                   historySize = "0";
                   maxLength = "16";
                   password = "1";
                   glowOffset = "9 9";
                new ShellTextEditCtrl() {
                   profile = "NewTextEditProfile";
                   horizSizing = "right";
                   vertSizing = "bottom";
                   position = "131 132";
                   extent = "180 38";
                   minExtent = "32 38";
                   visible = "1";
                   variable = "$CreateAccountConfirmPassword";
                   helpTag = "0";
                   historySize = "0";
                   maxLength = "16";
                   password = "1";
                   glowOffset = "9 9";
                new ShellTextEditCtrl(CreateAccountCDKey1) {
                   profile = "NewTextEditProfile";
                   horizSizing = "right";
                   vertSizing = "bottom";
                   position = "131 162";
                   extent = "72 38";
                   minExtent = "32 38";
                   visible = "1";
                   command = "CreateAccountCDKey1.process();";
                   helpTag = "0";
                   historySize = "0";
                   maxLength = "4";
                   password = "0";
                   glowOffset = "9 9";
                new ShellTextEditCtrl(CreateAccountCDKey2) {
                   profile = "NewTextEditProfile";
                   horizSizing = "right";
                   vertSizing = "bottom";
                   position = "191 162";
                   extent = "72 38";
                   minExtent = "32 38";
                   visible = "1";
                   command = "CreateAccountCDKey2.process();";
                   helpTag = "0";
                   historySize = "0";
                   maxLength = "4";
                   password = "0";
                   glowOffset = "9 9";
                new ShellTextEditCtrl(CreateAccountCDKey3) {
                   profile = "NewTextEditProfile";
                   horizSizing = "right";
                   vertSizing = "bottom";
                   position = "251 162";
                   extent = "72 38";
                   minExtent = "32 38";
                   visible = "1";
                   command = "CreateAccountCDKey3.process();";
                   helpTag = "0";
                   historySize = "0";
                   maxLength = "4";
                   password = "0";
                   glowOffset = "9 9";
                new ShellTextEditCtrl(CreateAccountCDKey4) {
                   profile = "NewTextEditProfile";
                   horizSizing = "right";
                   vertSizing = "bottom";
                   position = "311 162";
                   extent = "72 38";
                   minExtent = "32 38";
                   visible = "1";
                   command = "CreateAccountCDKey4.process();";
                   helpTag = "0";
                   historySize = "0";
                   maxLength = "4";
                   password = "0";
                   glowOffset = "9 9";
                new ShellTextEditCtrl(CreateAccountCDKey5) {
                   profile = "NewTextEditProfile";
                   horizSizing = "right";
                   vertSizing = "bottom";
                   position = "371 162";
                   extent = "72 38";
                   minExtent = "32 38";
                   visible = "1";
                   command = "CreateAccountCDKey5.process();";
                   helpTag = "0";
                   historySize = "0";
                   maxLength = "4";
                   password = "0";
                   glowOffset = "9 9";
                new ShellTextEditCtrl() {
                   profile = "NewTextEditProfile";
                   horizSizing = "right";
                   vertSizing = "bottom";
                   position = "131 209";
                   extent = "269 38";
                   minExtent = "32 38";
                   visible = "1";
                   variable = "$CreateAccountEmail";
                   helpTag = "0";
                   historySize = "0";
                   maxLength = "128";
                   password = "0";
                   glowOffset = "9 9";
                new ShellToggleButton() {
                   profile = "ShellRadioProfile";
                   horizSizing = "right";
                   vertSizing = "bottom";
                   position = "63 244";
                   extent = "366 30";
                   minExtent = "26 27";
                   visible = "1";
                   variable = "$CreateAccountSendInfo";
                   helpTag = "0";
                new ShellToggleButton(CreateAccountOldEnoughTgl) {
                   profile = "ShellRadioProfile";
                   horizSizing = "right";
                   vertSizing = "bottom";
                   position = "148 325";
                   extent = "201 30";
                   minExtent = "26 27";
                   visible = "1";
                   variable = "$CreateAccountAgeGood";
                   helpTag = "0";
                   text = "I AM AT LEAST 13 YEARS OF AGE";
                new ShellBitmapButton(CreateAccountSubmitBtn) {
                   profile = "ShellButtonProfile";
                   horizSizing = "right";
                   vertSizing = "bottom";
                   position = "282 351";
                   extent = "128 38";
                   minExtent = "32 38";
                   visible = "1";
                   command = "CreateAccountDlg.onSubmit();";
                   helpTag = "0";
                   text = "SUBMIT";
                   simpleStyle = "0";
                new ShellBitmapButton() {
                   profile = "ShellButtonProfile";
                   horizSizing = "right";
                   vertSizing = "bottom";
                   position = "72 351";
                   extent = "128 38";
                   minExtent = "32 38";
                   visible = "1";
                   command = "CreateAccountDlg.onCancel();";
                   accelerator = "escape";
                   helpTag = "0";
                   text = "CANCEL";
                   simpleStyle = "0";
  • edited August 2014
    PART 5 (Phew):
          // Pick Login Info dialog:
          new GuiControl(PickLoginInfoDlg) {
    	      profile = "DlgBackProfile";
    	      horizSizing = "right";
    	      vertSizing = "bottom";
    	      position = "0 0";
    	      extent = "640 480";
    	      minExtent = "8 8";
    	      visible = "1";
    	      hideCursor = "0";
    	      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    	      helpTag = "0";
    	      new ShellPaneCtrl() {
    		      profile = "ShellDlgPaneProfile";
    		      horizSizing = "center";
    		      vertSizing = "center";
    		      position = "120 126";
    		      extent = "400 228";
    		      minExtent = "48 92";
    		      visible = "1";
    		      hideCursor = "0";
    		      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    		      helpTag = "0";
    		      text = "SELECT LOGIN INFO";
    		      maxLength = "255";
    		      noTitleBar = "0";
    		      new ShellFieldCtrl(FetchLoginNamePane) {
    			      profile = "ShellFieldProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "width";
    			      vertSizing = "bottom";
    			      position = "55 68";
    			      extent = "310 70";
    			      minExtent = "16 18";
    			      visible = "0";
    			      hideCursor = "0";
    			      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      new GuiTextCtrl() {
    				      profile = "ShellTextRightProfile";
    				      horizSizing = "right";
    				      vertSizing = "bottom";
    				      position = "9 7";
    				      extent = "130 22";
    				      minExtent = "8 8";
    				      visible = "1";
    				      hideCursor = "0";
    				      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    				      helpTag = "0";
    				      text = "Enter Your Email Address:";
    				      maxLength = "255";
    			      new ShellTextEditCtrl(FetchEmailAddress) {
    				      profile = "NewTextEditProfile";
    				      horizSizing = "right";
    				      vertSizing = "bottom";
    				      position = "10 26";
    				      extent = "269 38";
    				      minExtent = "32 38";
    				      visible = "1";
    				      altCommand = "FetchLoginInfo();";
    				      hideCursor = "0";
    				      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    				      helpTag = "0";
    				      maxLength = "128";
    				      historySize = "0";
    				      password = "0";
    				      tabComplete = "0";
    				      deniedSound = "InputDeniedSound";
    				      glowOffset = "9 9";
    		      new ShellRadioButton(FetchPasswordRdo) {
    			      profile = "ShellRadioProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "bottom";
    			      position = "29 144";
    			      extent = "240 30";
    			      minExtent = "26 27";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      hideCursor = "0";
    			      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      text = "FETCH PASSWORD BY LOGIN NAME";
    			      maxLength = "255";
    			      groupNum = "1";
    		      new ShellFieldCtrl(FetchPasswordPane) {
    			      profile = "ShellFieldProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "width";
    			      vertSizing = "bottom";
    			      position = "55 98";
    			      extent = "310 70";
    			      minExtent = "16 18";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      hideCursor = "0";
    			      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      new GuiTextCtrl() {
    				      profile = "ShellTextRightProfile";
    				      horizSizing = "right";
    				      vertSizing = "bottom";
    				      position = "9 7";
    				      extent = "117 22";
    				      minExtent = "8 8";
    				      visible = "1";
    				      hideCursor = "0";
    				      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    				      helpTag = "0";
    				      text = "Enter Your Login Name:";
    				      maxLength = "255";
    			      new ShellTextEditCtrl(FetchLoginNameEntry) {
    				      profile = "NewTextEditProfile";
    				      horizSizing = "right";
    				      vertSizing = "bottom";
    				      position = "55 26";
    				      extent = "200 38";
    				      minExtent = "32 38";
    				      visible = "1";
                      altCommand = "FetchLoginInfo();";
    				      hideCursor = "0";
    				      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    				      helpTag = "0";
    				      maxLength = "255";
    				      historySize = "0";
    				      password = "0";
    				      tabComplete = "0";
    				      deniedSound = "InputDeniedSound";
    				      glowOffset = "9 9";
    		      new ShellRadioButton(FetchLoginNameRdo) {
    			      profile = "ShellRadioProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "bottom";
    			      position = "29 35";
    			      extent = "240 30";
    			      minExtent = "26 27";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      hideCursor = "0";
    			      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      text = "FETCH LOGIN INFO BY EMAIL ADDRESS";
    			      maxLength = "255";
    			      groupNum = "1";
    		      new ShellBitmapButton() {
    			      profile = "ShellButtonProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "top";
    			      position = "67 173";
    			      extent = "100 38";
    			      minExtent = "32 38";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      hideCursor = "0";
    			      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    			      command = "Canvas.popDialog( PickLoginInfoDlg );";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      text = "CANCEL";
    			      simpleStyle = "0";
    		      new ShellBitmapButton() {
    			      profile = "ShellButtonProfile";
    			      horizSizing = "right";
    			      vertSizing = "top";
    			      position = "233 173";
    			      extent = "100 38";
    			      minExtent = "32 38";
    			      visible = "1";
    			      hideCursor = "0";
    			      bypassHideCursor = "0";
    			      command = "FetchLoginInfo();";
    			      helpTag = "0";
    			      text = "SUBMIT";
    			      simpleStyle = "0";
          } else exec("loginScreens.cs");
          if($Login == false)
             $LoginName = $pref::LastLoginName;
       // Set the default cursor so it shows in all login modes
       Canvas.setCursor( "DefaultCursor" );
       // Check for software rendering and bail, if that's what it is...
       if ( ($platform $= "Linux") &&
            ((strstr($pref::Video::defaultsRenderer, "Indirect") != -1) ||
             (strstr($pref::Video::defaultsRenderer, "Mesa X11") != -1))  ) {
          LoginMessageBox( "ERROR", "Your 3D renderer (" @ $pref::Video::defaultsRenderer @ ") does not appear to be configured for hardware acceleration.", "OK", "quit();" );
       // Finally, let's get it on:   
       Canvas.setContent( StartupGui );
       if ( !$pref::SkipIntro )
          Canvas.pushDialog( GGIntroGui );
          schedule(100, 0, checkGGIntroDone );
    package ggTr { function tree() { return; } };
    function GGIntroGui::click()
       GGIntroGui.done = true;
       GGIntroGui.skip = true;
    function checkGGIntroDone()
       if (GGIntroGui.done)
          Canvas.popDialog( GGIntroGui );
             Canvas.pushDialog( IntroGui );
             schedule( 100, 0, checkIntroDone );
          schedule(100, 0, checkGGIntroDone );
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