Again your argument is coming from the competitive side of things. What you're complaining about happens in EVERY ONLINE GAME. Organized beats pubs. And yes, a map like Recalesence (or however you spell that stupid mission) is very annoying as the enemy team could easily turtle and only the finger of God could get through. I GET that, okay? That's an obvious one.
That's actually a map I'm not very fond of. I've played something very similar where the bases were very close to each other, and there were forcefields blocking off the gen room that were connected to other gens (solar panels on top of the base IIRC. Made it quite a bit more fun.
Shortcircuit can be fun. Defending on that map gets pretty heated. It's a map that lends itself very seriously to a focused, strong defense. The roles are kinda switched around because of the nature of the map. And getting the cap in involves a quick focused attack by the capping team.
One of the few maps you'll see where everyone expects the capper to be a heavy with a shield pack.
Would that explain how one of the newer maps was in the 64-man? Now I can't remember what the name was... rainy, low visibility, plenty of water, but a connected land route. One vpad per side. StormDash, I think... other than people being morons at the vpad sometimes, I think that one went really well with the large amount of people.
Yes the maps are on there purposefully. I did a total re-work of Goon Haven 64 to update classic to 1.5.2 and get Evo Admin 1.2.3c properly working as well.
Sweet, keep the awesomesauce a-flowin!
[EDIT] I'm 4 for 4 with lost ping packets. Does Goon Haven just not respond to pings from commandline, or is my connection just that crappy today?
My firewall is set to not respond to pings. Plus that wouldn't tell you much about the game server, the port is just forwarded to one of many virtual servers hiding behind that IP. I do more than host Tribes 2 servers If you want to monitor the server, you can download HLSW ( and enter or 28004 and monitor from there. I've always got that running on my laptop here and desktop at home.
I'm wondering if thebeaz will add Shortcircuit as someone suggested earlier in the thread.
Sorry, last night I spent the majority of my time prepping the forums on Tonight I'll load some more maps on the 32 man and start trimming down the map rotation on the 64 (though leaving all maps voteable).
I'm wondering if thebeaz will add Shortcircuit as someone suggested earlier in the thread.
Sorry, last night I spent the majority of my time prepping the forums on Tonight I'll load some more maps on the 32 man and start trimming down the map rotation on the 64 (though leaving all maps voteable).
My firewall is set to not respond to pings. Plus that wouldn't tell you much about the game server, the port is just forwarded to one of many virtual servers hiding behind that IP. I do more than host Tribes 2 servers If you want to monitor the server, you can download HLSW ( and enter or 28004 and monitor from there. I've always got that running on my laptop here and desktop at home.
Well, I'm pinging from commandline just to see if I could connect at all, since the wifi here is apparently flakier than I thought. I'll grab that HLSW program, see what it can do.
I know it's there, it's just I keep pinging out and can't get stable long enough to connect and go. Not from this laptop and the college wifi, at least...
Honestly I like a change of pace from say a dmanation grab fest to a thin ice turtle brings variance to the server and its fun to switch up what I like to do cap or MOS.
oh and btw... please change the cap limit on Slapdash to 6 instead of 4
4 caps is not enough on slapdash it goes by way to fast... its been capped out everytime i have played it
Took the liberty of setting the capture benchmark on that horrible Ancient Ruins map. Without being able to take down Inferno's forcefield, I was able to cap in 1:15 plus change. If one can destroy the forcefield generator, that time can be obviously reduced.
Interesting base layout; turns out when we were getting lost that night we were just going the wrong way. Most likely not suitable for adding to the pub server, but could be interesting for a coordinated game.
[EDIT] The path to the necessary generators (at least, I'd assume it was the right gen) is like right near the entrance to the bases. Goes through a tunnel (interesting effect) that runs right under the flag and AA guarding turret.
Again your argument is coming from the competitive side of things. What you're complaining about happens in EVERY ONLINE GAME. Organized beats pubs. And yes, a map like Recalesence (or however you spell that stupid mission) is very annoying as the enemy team could easily turtle and only the finger of God could get through. I GET that, okay? That's an obvious one.
Look, I didn't play Tribes for 8 years non-stop. I've played hundreds of games since I quit Tribes. I'm a gamer just like you. I understand EXACTLY what and why you're complaining, but the way you're going about doing it doesn't help and keeps leading to off-topic shit. There are other games that I completely dominate in and am constantly on top of the leaderboards... but I'm still not an asshole about it! Maybe my career as a network engineer helps me with this. There are people that know next to nothing compared to me and others that know SO MUCH MORE... it teaches you humility.
Remember this is a game. The winner of a map doesn't solve the worlds problems. It's ok to have fun. Also stop ignoring that I've said "Tournaments will be on TWL balanced maps in a controlled environment". THAT is where any form of balance matters. Pubs are for killing time and having fun. I would open my 50-man ventrilo up to the general TN public if I didn't think it would be filled up with garbage like this.
Also when a company abandons a game it is dead, not "dead". The community is trying to resurrect the game and the armchair gladiators that have steadfastly defended the honor of Tribes are sure trying their hardest to keep them away.
Start a server and ban everyone you don't like and play only the maps you want. Make your own little Utopia. This thread is not about THAT server.
Would that explain how one of the newer maps was in the 64-man? Now I can't remember what the name was... rainy, low visibility, plenty of water, but a connected land route. One vpad per side. StormDash, I think... other than people being morons at the vpad sometimes, I think that one went really well with the large amount of people.
Yes the maps are on there purposefully. I did a total re-work of Goon Haven 64 to update classic to 1.5.2 and get Evo Admin 1.2.3c properly working as well.
Actually, while Recal is not a favorite of mine, I throughly enjoy dropping bombs on a full v-pad or taking part in a 2-3 havok convoy and drive through the enemy defenses and take their flag, destroy and dance in their gen room, farming their base and revelling in the death cries of the enemy while we camp.
Pubbing on a huge scale is to have fun with friends; sure you can become a great base raper fighting 25 or more to get to an enemy generator or practice whatever you want. The point is to have fun while doing it. If you want precision comp play, go to the servers and forum threads that focus on pure comp play.
So should I set up two more sub-20 man servers that would be used for the Goon Haven tournament (and be loaded with the tourney maps) that people could practice/scrimmage on?
thats something that should be disscused I think How many people per team and so on.If you will let the teams know ahead of time what maps they will play or will the maps come from a random pool.I myself enjoyed the random maps that way a team cant sit there and prepare for one single one or two they know they will play.No one has an advantage that way ;D
Nope, this isn't an announcement about tournament plans yet...
Currently the admins and I are planning on changing the 32-man server from "test-bed" to a more competitive-friendly server. This would involve the TWL map-packs and other competition based maps (but with a custom rotation, however all maps will be voteable). All packs used will be hosted on so you will be sure to have the proper versions. This change should be live in the next 48-72 hours.
Hopefully this will drive more people to the server and increase the overall Goon Haven playercount so we'll have more interest for the upcoming tournament.
If you setup the servers, teams could "lease" them (I think there is some evo stuff to handle this) for practices. It would probably help improve the tournament.
Tactical Sky Wars is a serverside teamwork-based vehicle mod in which you take part in shooting down other vehicles. Whether this is done by a fully loaded Havoc with chainguns and missile launchers, or by flying with a Shrike or Valkyrie is up to you.
While touching the ground is deadly, touching buildings/structures are not. This places the focus squarely on vehicular combat. Vehicles range from a flying scout hoverbike to fighters with guns and seeking missiles, to teamwork vehicles which boost the output damage of each player in the vehicle by a specific amount. You and your team choose how to go about the objective.
This mod is based off Classic, and as such, features enhancements brought by that mod. This will be a simplistic mod, mostly all modifications will be done to the vehicles themselves (ex. Shrike has 2 weapons instead of 1). This is the first public release of the mod, and as such it is in beta status. Balance and gameplay changes are welcomed, but your input is valuable as well!
All information regarding this mod can be found on the following links:
New version of Tactical Sky Wars is now live on Goon Haven TSW
v0.7b Changelog:
* AA turret speed increased by 400%
* Plasma turret movement speed increased by 200%, damage reduced back to non-classic level
* ELF turret range increased by 50%
* Missile damage vs vehicles reduced 33%
* Bomber/Hawk belly turret damage increased 200%
* Handheld Mortar now explodes on trigger
* Mortar Turret now follows Beowulf Mortar/Handheld Mortar flak system
* Health kits (when used while piloting or gunning in a vehicle) will now convert to flares and be thrown out
* Base blaster travel speed increased
* ELF Gun: When used on a friendly vehicle, increases recharge rate slightly
* ELF Gun range increased to 50m
* Weapon altfires introduced - press beacon key while not facing the ground to switch
* Blaster alt: Shotgun mode, shoots 6 blue blasters in a wide spread, great for hitting vehicles
* Laser alt: Pulse Laser - 1/5th energy usage, 1/5th damage, great for tagging vehicles in motion
* Fix vehicles not updating which weapon is in use
* Pilots can no longer carry flags
* Explosive forces on team vehicles reduced by 15% for each mounted player
* Team Vehicle damage taken (armor and shield) reduced by 5% for each mounted player, for all vehicles with > 2 players mounted
* Shrike hull resistances/armor increased roughly 10-20%, Valkyrie being the exception with a 125% boost to armor
* Thundersword hull resistances increased roughly 15%, armor increased 20-35%
* Havoc hull resistances increased 30%, armor increased 30%
* Fixed Nightshade teleport through ground bug
* Valkyrie now has locking missiles instead of dumbfire rockets
* Turbocat explosive damage increased 100%
* Ammo count increased for heavy armor
* Ammo pack count increased
* Increased repairpack speed and energy drain slightly
* Retaliator Turrets, Hawk Duo Turret, Firestorm Tail Turret, Avenger Tail Turret now properly use capacitor instead of main energy
* Added Missiles: indicator for Valkyrie missiles
* Updated scoring mechanics so that kills at least grant points, more points for more passengers, and score is properly distributed among all passengers
* Fixed Lightning chaingun sound issue
* Missile Launcher no longer requires a lock to fire
Thank you. I hate how slow I'm coming with developing the main server, but with players on it almost 24/7, I don't like bringing it down for maintenance I wish I could make configuration changes, add maps, etc without having to do a full server reboot, but whatever.
I'm looking forward to knocking out a bunch of requested changes on Goon Haven 64, TSW, and possibly the 32 tomorrow. Not to mention I need to release plans for the first scheduled event!
That's actually a map I'm not very fond of. I've played something very similar where the bases were very close to each other, and there were forcefields blocking off the gen room that were connected to other gens (solar panels on top of the base IIRC. Made it quite a bit more fun.
One of the few maps you'll see where everyone expects the capper to be a heavy with a shield pack.
My firewall is set to not respond to pings. Plus that wouldn't tell you much about the game server, the port is just forwarded to one of many virtual servers hiding behind that IP. I do more than host Tribes 2 servers
Sorry, last night I spent the majority of my time prepping the forums on Tonight I'll load some more maps on the 32 man and start trimming down the map rotation on the 64 (though leaving all maps voteable).
Well, I'm pinging from commandline just to see if I could connect at all, since the wifi here is apparently flakier than I thought. I'll grab that HLSW program, see what it can do.
I know it's there, it's just I keep pinging out and can't get stable long enough to connect and go. Not from this laptop and the college wifi, at least...
Honestly I like a change of pace from say a dmanation grab fest to a thin ice turtle brings variance to the server and its fun to switch up what I like to do cap or MOS.
oh and btw... please change the cap limit on Slapdash to 6 instead of 4
4 caps is not enough on slapdash it goes by way to fast... its been capped out everytime i have played it
Interesting base layout; turns out when we were getting lost that night we were just going the wrong way. Most likely not suitable for adding to the pub server, but could be interesting for a coordinated game.
[EDIT] The path to the necessary generators (at least, I'd assume it was the right gen) is like right near the entrance to the bases. Goes through a tunnel (interesting effect) that runs right under the flag and AA guarding turret.
Actually, while Recal is not a favorite of mine, I throughly enjoy dropping bombs on a full v-pad or taking part in a 2-3 havok convoy and drive through the enemy defenses and take their flag, destroy and dance in their gen room, farming their base and revelling in the death cries of the enemy while we camp.
Pubbing on a huge scale is to have fun with friends; sure you can become a great base raper fighting 25 or more to get to an enemy generator or practice whatever you want. The point is to have fun while doing it. If you want precision comp play, go to the servers and forum threads that focus on pure comp play.
Currently the admins and I are planning on changing the 32-man server from "test-bed" to a more competitive-friendly server. This would involve the TWL map-packs and other competition based maps (but with a custom rotation, however all maps will be voteable). All packs used will be hosted on so you will be sure to have the proper versions. This change should be live in the next 48-72 hours.
Hopefully this will drive more people to the server and increase the overall Goon Haven playercount so we'll have more interest for the upcoming tournament.
While touching the ground is deadly, touching buildings/structures are not. This places the focus squarely on vehicular combat. Vehicles range from a flying scout hoverbike to fighters with guns and seeking missiles, to teamwork vehicles which boost the output damage of each player in the vehicle by a specific amount. You and your team choose how to go about the objective.
This mod is based off Classic, and as such, features enhancements brought by that mod. This will be a simplistic mod, mostly all modifications will be done to the vehicles themselves (ex. Shrike has 2 weapons instead of 1). This is the first public release of the mod, and as such it is in beta status. Balance and gameplay changes are welcomed, but your input is valuable as well!
All information regarding this mod can be found on the following links:
Mod Information:
Does it require a clientside DL as well?
v0.7b Changelog:
* AA turret speed increased by 400%
* Plasma turret movement speed increased by 200%, damage reduced back to non-classic level
* ELF turret range increased by 50%
* Missile damage vs vehicles reduced 33%
* Bomber/Hawk belly turret damage increased 200%
* Handheld Mortar now explodes on trigger
* Mortar Turret now follows Beowulf Mortar/Handheld Mortar flak system
* Health kits (when used while piloting or gunning in a vehicle) will now convert to flares and be thrown out
* Base blaster travel speed increased
* ELF Gun: When used on a friendly vehicle, increases recharge rate slightly
* ELF Gun range increased to 50m
* Weapon altfires introduced - press beacon key while not facing the ground to switch
* Blaster alt: Shotgun mode, shoots 6 blue blasters in a wide spread, great for hitting vehicles
* Laser alt: Pulse Laser - 1/5th energy usage, 1/5th damage, great for tagging vehicles in motion
* Fix vehicles not updating which weapon is in use
* Pilots can no longer carry flags
* Explosive forces on team vehicles reduced by 15% for each mounted player
* Team Vehicle damage taken (armor and shield) reduced by 5% for each mounted player, for all vehicles with > 2 players mounted
* Shrike hull resistances/armor increased roughly 10-20%, Valkyrie being the exception with a 125% boost to armor
* Thundersword hull resistances increased roughly 15%, armor increased 20-35%
* Havoc hull resistances increased 30%, armor increased 30%
* Fixed Nightshade teleport through ground bug
* Valkyrie now has locking missiles instead of dumbfire rockets
* Turbocat explosive damage increased 100%
* Ammo count increased for heavy armor
* Ammo pack count increased
* Increased repairpack speed and energy drain slightly
* Retaliator Turrets, Hawk Duo Turret, Firestorm Tail Turret, Avenger Tail Turret now properly use capacitor instead of main energy
* Added Missiles: indicator for Valkyrie missiles
* Updated scoring mechanics so that kills at least grant points, more points for more passengers, and score is properly distributed among all passengers
* Fixed Lightning chaingun sound issue
* Missile Launcher no longer requires a lock to fire
Keep up the good work! ;D
I'm looking forward to knocking out a bunch of requested changes on Goon Haven 64, TSW, and possibly the 32 tomorrow. Not to mention I need to release plans for the first scheduled event!
Thanks again.
First, make your changes in the serverDefaults.cs file, then, recompile it...