Someone back in the day made an extremely awesome texture filter pack that filtered all the textures (even custom textures) to give Tribes 2 more of a comic book style look. Unfortunately, I can't find the pack anywhere.
Anyone remember this? Seen it? Know where to download it?
I'm going to do some digging when I get on lunch break.
hehehe! Lemme know if you find it!
And cel shading is awesome. Wind Waker was easily one of the most beautiful games on the Gamecube. I love my Celda.
If I knew the name of the pack, that might help. I'm asking in a couple other places too.
Also, it didn't make T2 cel shaded, although that would be awesome. But it did look cel-shaded, just without the actual cel-shading.
or as the full zip here:
The 4600+ skins I uploaded to Sfphinx@tribaloutpost. Any map worth playing is on
Unless you're playing construction.
flatland is on, isn't it?
Holy shit! that's totally it!
I'm assuming the pack is totally lost, huh?
Wait a second! I saw that date in the top!
You sir, are a god among men!
You're a dick. Cough it up.
And I still love you.
It's strange, it did look just like that.
I'm curious how the guy was able to make Tribes 2 filter everything before it was rendered in game now.
I've sent him an IM to see if he's still around (I haven't seen him online in a while). If I get any leads, I'll come back here and post it for you. Who knows, I may have it stashed away somewhere.
I figured it was a long shot since it's been so long, but it was some awesome work. Maybe he could let on a few secrets in case someone wants to do something similar.
Also it'd be nice to tell us what filters were used so /new/ textures can be added that won't break the look.
It was a really nifty piece. And I'm curious how he filtered the textures at the rendering stage.
look what i found on an old ass cd
edit : fuck having probs copying the vl2, errors cuz my cd drive can't read parts ofthe old cd, extracting manually as much as i can (some files arent possible tho
edit 2: managed to retrieve it all !, going to upload tomorrow
Hmm, reading that makes it appear that I was wrong about the filtering.. I could have sworn that's how it worked, because I'm almost positive I had custom skins, and they got toonified.
Also, the exact name of the file helped, I was able to hunt it down with that.