What if there was a script that simply placed the tker into obs for the map duration after x number of tks, then allowed to play after map change?
What if?
It could happen!
Now, if said tker is tking just to be an alpha hotel, an adam henry, kick him.
Like I said, I'm not sure, but I think thats how it works.
Accidental TKers being dropped to OBS is a good idea, methinks, especially if it's some newb who hasn't figured out how bad splash damage is yet; give them a chance to learn from observation. But again, if they're just being n00bs and screwing things up for the rest of us, I think the players present would possibly know and initiate a vote to fully kick.
So, some sort of OBS-time-limit threshhold, so if the player count is a little lower, people can observe for a little while before jumping back in.
Why? This would take a player slot and accompish nothing.