So I was sitting around playing tribes and wondering what would happen if i started saying shazbot in real life. what if other people who dont play tribes started saying it and it just became a popular word? lets all say it and report any funny stories.
"When will you offer some-- shazbot!"
"Eat hot-- shazbot!"
Or the local favorite...
"I am- QUIET!- Hi!" (read: quite)
When will you-Eat my-Awesome-Shazbot?
I make-Awesome-Shazbot!
Yes, it's from Mork and Mindy... that was a crazy show!
I even had one girl I worked with who knew what it meant and she didn't play tribes.
Not only do I say shazbot, but I also say the other sayings as well, in the voices. On occasion, when appropriate. I also immitate bugus bunny cartoons as well.
There is no hope for me. A brain is a terrible thing to waste.
My dear mother, 50 years or so old, refers to new hires to her company as newbies.