Quantum construction mod?

I cant exactly remember what it was called. I believe it was done by Sun-Quan. Not really sure where to find this. I used to have it along with the game, some other mods and scripts, and skins/effects on an external hard drive. I have since lost this external hard drive, and the last time I played this game was late somewhere around 2006 - 2007. If anyone still has it and if you can rapidshare/megaupload it would be nice.


  • Awesome thanks. Another question, I remember this script pack?(not sure) that added a bunch of dif voice types and things that you could say, If I remember right it also added playable animations, so you could play the death anims while alive.
  • For different voice types, you'll probably want TracerECM.
    For the death animations while alive, those only work in construction, and you need a client. I wrote a "Lite" construction client a while ago that you can drop in your base folder to make the animations, or, you could just run Quantium online and binds will be there already. Don't run both or you'll have duplicates.
  • edited February 2009
    For different voice types, you'll probably want TracerECM.
    For the death animations while alive, those only work in construction, and you need a client. I wrote a "Lite" construction client a while ago that you can drop in your base folder to make the animations, or, you could just run Quantium online and binds will be there already. Don't run both or you'll have duplicates.
    No I remember being able to use those anims in any mod/game type.

    EDIT: Did anyone ever figure out how to remove that object limiter? I belive it was something like 20,000 objects and after that they would stop showing up? I only ever maxed it out on offline servers trying to build sky scrapers and such.
  • There is no way to get around the limit. It is a hard coded engine limitation, and this issue was discussed within the modding community for years back when this game came out. We tried every avenue of approach, and even discussed this with the dev team.

    Simply put, it will never happen.

    Mods that have newer editions and are still supported have a tool that combines pieces, but that's the best you can do.

  • The object limit is hard-coded at 1024.
    However, Structural Infinity was developed, which allows for an infinite amount of pieces (in practice, about 60,000 tends to be the max the game can handle).
    Sadly, it has yet to be updated for TribesNext.
  • The object limit is hard-coded at 1024.
    However, Structural Infinity was developed, which allows for an infinite amount of pieces (in practice, about 60,000 tends to be the max the game can handle).
    Sadly, it has yet to be updated for TribesNext.
    Will it still work offline?
  • I imagine it would still work in LAN/offline mode.
  • edited February 2009
    EDIT: nvm I fixed it.
  • For different voice types, you'll probably want TracerECM.
    For the death animations while alive, those only work in construction, and you need a client. I wrote a "Lite" construction client a while ago that you can drop in your base folder to make the animations, or, you could just run Quantium online and binds will be there already. Don't run both or you'll have duplicates.
    No I remember being able to use those anims in any mod/game type.
    Before tribes 2 got all the patches, it did work, however, they patched it (forgot which version) so you couldn't do "fake" deaths. They only work in TriCon2 and Construction now.
  • Can anyone help me out, Im trying to get the nuke working with the customizable weapon. I cant seem to figure it out.
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