It appears everyone I am fighting is using mods and scripts and ?? v. educate me
Ok. So I found out #1. that my account name is my permanent name in game. I am very disappointed because my account name is lame as hell. wtf? why cant I change it? weak.
#2. It seems like nobody plays heavy defense on the flag. I was doing that and it was really pissing people off. That is awesome because not having played tribes1 in over 6 years, I was mid air plasmaing people flying right at the flag. people were nerd raging so hard about heavy defense they were going "you are an asshole that just stands there AFK on the flag" too bad i wasnt, i was elfing, plasmaing, and mortaring people.
#3. I heard people were using scripts to mine disk. it also seems like thats the #1 attack by everyone. amusing and sad at the same time. whatever, i can adapt. Where can I download things like mortar crosshairs that give an estimated range finder on it? mine disc script? what other competitive scripts and mods and huds do people use? I would like these to get on the same level as everyone.
#4. i usually have 80 to 100 ping in every server. when i am sniping, do i need to fire the laser right where the person is flying or do i need to lead him? if lead, how far? also, should i always go for head shots no matter what?
#5. whats the difference between spider turret and clamp turret? which is better? where can i read about and learn advanced tribes2 classic loadouts, strats, ski routes, etc?
#6. which clan will take me in and train me? I have vent and a mic, I was one of the top 10-15 heavy offense in tribes1 , i learn very very fast and I am eager. I am very versatile and i specialize in heavy armors whether it be D or O. I will be a great addition to any team if you can spare an hour or two to show me the ropes.
#7. any other pro tips I need to know? I only play on classic servers.
thanks guys.
#2. It seems like nobody plays heavy defense on the flag. I was doing that and it was really pissing people off. That is awesome because not having played tribes1 in over 6 years, I was mid air plasmaing people flying right at the flag. people were nerd raging so hard about heavy defense they were going "you are an asshole that just stands there AFK on the flag" too bad i wasnt, i was elfing, plasmaing, and mortaring people.
#3. I heard people were using scripts to mine disk. it also seems like thats the #1 attack by everyone. amusing and sad at the same time. whatever, i can adapt. Where can I download things like mortar crosshairs that give an estimated range finder on it? mine disc script? what other competitive scripts and mods and huds do people use? I would like these to get on the same level as everyone.
#4. i usually have 80 to 100 ping in every server. when i am sniping, do i need to fire the laser right where the person is flying or do i need to lead him? if lead, how far? also, should i always go for head shots no matter what?
#5. whats the difference between spider turret and clamp turret? which is better? where can i read about and learn advanced tribes2 classic loadouts, strats, ski routes, etc?
#6. which clan will take me in and train me? I have vent and a mic, I was one of the top 10-15 heavy offense in tribes1 , i learn very very fast and I am eager. I am very versatile and i specialize in heavy armors whether it be D or O. I will be a great addition to any team if you can spare an hour or two to show me the ropes.
#7. any other pro tips I need to know? I only play on classic servers.
thanks guys.
2) don't listen to idiot newbs. hof is a very useful position on some maps. it works best if you either chaingun incoming cappers or mine disc them as they come on the stand
3) i don't know anyone that uses a script to mine disc. throw a mine, shoot it, that's pretty much it. there are some neat tricks you can do with it that newbs don't know much about, but that's the basics. there are a few nade-mine scripts, but they are pretty redundant, as you can just quickly tap your nade key then your mine key. One thing to remember is always set your nades and mines to max toss (near the bottom of the settings --> control menu).
as for scripts, there's a wide range of the number of scripts etc that people use. I personally only use a flag timer, borcchud, hudmover, and pilot mode. i'd say that a flag timer is absolutely essential, as well as support scripts like support.vl2 and a hudmover. pilot mode is incredibly useful if you ever want to use vehicles and still keep a low sensitivity while out of them. the most powerful scripts for competition are definitely borcchud and a script like boot's autopoints, but most newbies wouldn't gain much benefit from them, since their use is primarily in competition. Scripts beyond that are mostly just for personal preference and can vary greatly in actual usefulness.
4) absolutely lead them, as you would in any other game where latency is a factor. I would never go for headshots unless they're standing still if I were you, they are generally more luck than anything else (particularly with 80-100 ping), and even some of the best snipers in the game won't usually try to target for headshots.
5) spider = clamp turret (spider clamp turret technically). Most people don't write or share their route info too much or feel the need to write up strategies (and you'd be surprised how many comp players really have very little understanding of the strategies of the game). I wrote a quick primer at, but it's very basic, and if you're familiar with t1 competition, some of it is redundant.
as for loadouts, i can tell you most of the useful ones
disc/sniper/chain - THE ld loadout. by far the best and most versatile one, sacrifices some dueling ability because the nade launcher is so powerful, but the sniper is so much more useful in most circumstances. Can be used for LO or anything else you want to do as well
disc/nade/chain - loadout for lds that are more concerned with purely chasing (i still recommend using sniper, frankly) or chasing a lot of ho down. This is probably the best capper loadout, because nades are great at clearing the lof and mines, as well as taking pot shots at ld
disc/sniper/nades - i wouldn't use this much, but it has very specific uses (i'll use it on the storm side of dx or titan), typically good for primarily chasing and killing ho, and it allows you to still attack cappers while you do it.
you'll notice i don't include the shocklance, which is because you almost never actually want to use the thing. I can't name a single good ho that will consistently allow you to backlance them, and it also will take you out of position to chase behind them, and is overall slower at killing them than a grenade launcher. I do actually use it very occasionally, but most people simply aren't good enough with it to warrant its use. you'll also want to take into account that most of the effective light loadouts have a combination of disc and chain. Disc is necessary for mine discing and for disc jumps, and you need it in any loadout. chain is, just like t1, the most effective weapon in the game for killing things. if you're good at chaingun, you can kill a lot of stuff, really quickly. It should be used in virtually every loadout. hell, you can even use it effectively indoors. Also, you want to be using epack about 90% of the time
i only use two loadouts for medium (outside of farming), and it pretty much covers me for almost any situation:
disc/grenade/chain/missile/energy - for capping, or even defense on maps like titan. Also, just sub out energy for whatever deployable you want, and that's your farming loadout
disc/grenade/chain/plasma/shield - for raping
i don't have silly loadouts like "tailgunner" and whatnot because i can't even remember the last time i've ever tailgunned, or seen anybody good do it beyond messing around on the goon server. If i'm in the tailgun seat in a bomber, i'm carrying an inventory, because i'm about to go rape the enemy base
disc/nade/chain/mortar/missile/energy or shield - this covers almost all situations. if you're playing hd inside a base, i would swap out the missile for shocklance. shocklance is a bit tough to use on hd, but sometimes you can catch ho turning their backs to fit through a door or something.
weapons to avoid:
elf - never, ever, ever, use the elf. not that it's 100% useless, but there's no reason to pick it over a more effective weapon.
shocklance - like i said, most people simply aren't good enough to use it more effectively than a grenade launcher or laser rifle. still only useful in very specific circumstances.
plasma - only use this to rape in light shield or medium shield. the only use of plasma is to kill base assets when you don't have mortars.
6) #lastgasp I'd talk to fling (aka lionz), even if his roster is full he might be able to help you out.
7) idle in irc and play on the branzone servers if you want to play with the better/more comp oriented people. Some of us fuck around on the goon server, but nobody really takes it seriously.
2. so chain gun on the flag is more effective then elfing the cappers out of energy? interesting, i was using either elf or plasma but ill give chaingun a shot.
3. whats the reasoning behind max toss on nades and mines? what if your enemy is right in front of you? please expand on this, i am rusty as hell at mine discing.
3.2 where do I go to view and download all of the tribes2 scripts?
5. why missle launcher over plasma? how and when should I use missle launcher? I am completely unfamiliar with missle launcher for obvious reasons
6/7. thanks, i will do that.
new #8. as a light defense, if a capper manages to grab the flag and takes off going 1000 mph, my only chance at catching him is a quick snipe or an immediate disc jump off of the ground right?
new #9. i would like some advanced strats on base raping. as a heavy I will ski in, spamming mortars as i fly in with epack. then I will land inside of enemy base and get mine disced twice and die hah. tips please. i am very rusty.
new #10. is there a reticle for heavy mortar that gives estimated distances ? where can i d/load it if so
#1. that my account name is my permanent name in game. I am very disappointed because my account name is lame as hell. wtf? why cant I change it? weak.
You're not allowed to complain when the game is free. :P
(Your account name wouldnt happen to be "penis", would it?)
#2. It seems like nobody plays heavy defense on the flag. I was doing that and it was really pissing people off.
Ignore them.
#5. whats the difference between spider turret and clamp turret? which is better?
Basically the Spider clamp is the indoor turret whereas the Landspike is used for outdoor terrain.
Where can i read about and learn advanced tribes2?
Lots of info here:
#7. Any other pro tips I need to know? I only play on classic servers.
Just have fun and hang out on the server "Goon Haven" for a few hours. You will catch on fast.
Some folk, I have found it seems, only play T2 in a regimented fashion. If you aint doing what they do, than It can only be that you dont know how to/noobie. Rather than choosing to play the game your way.
Personally I choose to play map by map, number of players by numbers of players. By this I mean I choose to play "the flow of the game". Sometimes even choosing to fill the teams void. I have playied and am good enuff that I dont need vailadation from the scoreboard of my skills, (on some servers you wont get anyway).
Some the info they spead I can use, some of it i wont, some is good to know, and some of it is trash. With some legitiment help, play your style of T2 and not a clone of someone or someone else. aint that what Bots are?
and you can find a "Shit Load" scripts at
Because I enjoy the competition and support the right to choose!
PS: I plan to add more to this reply(in a hurry)
2. yes, chaingun is the best weapon for killing stuff in the game. period. accept no substitutions.
3. weakly tossed mines and nades are probably more likely to do damage to yourself rather than the enemy. it's much too specific for me to go into, but you'll be wanting to have instant max toss for your nades/mines probably about 99% of the time you use them. I'm sure you could just bind the normal toss and max toss to different keys, but it's pretty unnecessary.
go to for most scripts.
5. you don't need plasma as a heavy, you already have mortars and missiles for blowing stuff up, and the disc is a much better indoor weapon. as for missiles, they don't really require much skill; just use them to take potshots at enemies and assets if you have nothing better to do. Generally teams will flare for turrets etc if you try to missile them down, so don't stand there missiling it over and over, move on to something else or mortar it instead. They're mostly just an opportunistic utility weapon; but they're also great if the enemy is raped and you can missile down their spawn ld etc.
8. pretty much. if they're going fast enough a disc jump won't even help you that much. most of the faster routes in the game require some setting up, though, and there's plenty of counters to cappers setting up extremely fast routes. In competition nowadays, most cappers prefer to run much more efficient routes that take a lot less time to set up over longer to set up, much faster routes.
9. i'll look into posting the links to some HO demos. I'm not a great ho or anything, and it can be pretty tricky to explain any of that stuff in text.
10. i know they exist, i don't use them, however, and don't know what they're called. if you ask in irc someone will tell you
Most things i can agree with here, People are using the mine toss script and as far as im concerned its a cheat. because how is it you are shooting mines and a disc at the same time while trying to move and fight does not seem possable with out a script. For me i was happy when tribes 2 made a come back but have since changed my mind. Seems like eveyone is cheating i see the majority of people using the mine toss script. And now im told in GOONS that auto points is not a cheat LOL i couldnt believe what i was hearing.
Its like i have said before on here that goons is only serving to make all the good players not play at all. I just came from goons and i could not play for more then 5 mins cuz people spam voice packs make huge anoying noises endlessly like little children with a new rattle toy. There current lack of admins doing anything at all is only serving to hurt them in the long run. Ya sure you see 50 people in there now but that will change over time because more and more people are getting sick of this cheater server.
I really wish more would play in HV atleast you see admins enforcing rules and dealing with utter fucking morons that do nothing but use bandwidth and be anoying. None of my tribe will play there anymore i think im the only one (till now) that plays in goons out of my entire tribe (20 or so people). Some thing has to be done and FAST or this game is dead before it starts and if you dont believe me now then wait a while and you will see.
Some have stopped playing all together because they are sick of the bullshit and frankly im getting to that point. I love this game and i dont want to stop playing but i might just have to if things dont change (ya right fat chance). So for eveyone out there using there cheats and being pricks you soon will be playing alone because its the people who continue to cheat that and the servers that do nothing about it that will kill this game, I have already seen tomany people i know throw in the towel because there is no REAL server to play on just goons and most of the people i know wont even go near that place because they hate it and all the fools in it. You go in there and its 15 people spamming voice packs at the same time,Auto pointers cheating with their little way point cheat.
You dont have to believe me all you have to do is wait and you will see what i mean when players get thinner and thinner till there is no one left and tribes will die for good this time. So we can kill it again or we could get off our asses and not tolorat spammers and cheaters.
he's whining because he sucks and has no idea how to mine disc. there is no cheating script that aims a mine disc for you
The so called mine discing script is built into the game under settings, you simply choose which mine option to bind.
I'd also recommend watching demos, there are a lot on twl if you know what you're looking for and I put together some for various positions here:
Using a script to mine-disc is quite lame (some do exist, and they shoot right when you disc, they don't aim for you). Most people who mine-disk me are legit. I have yet to see someone disc at the same time they mine. It usually takes a little bit of a wait or controlled power so you don't end up hitting yourself or wasting a mine.
Most of the players who claim themselves to be good play on the Branzone servers. If you don't like Goon Haven, then don't play on it. You've got twenty clan member, why don't you arrange an event and play on Houston Vehicles? It seems to me like you're wasting your time whining on the forums.
As for your tribe, I see plenty of "The |" tagged players on Goon Haven.
I'm not saying it's impossible, or beyond the level of a few people playing, but I haven't seen anything to suggest that anyone has done so. Learning sufficient manual dexterity to push a few buttons (mine, and 3 directions, mouse fire, mouse jet) quickly requires less advanced brain power than implementing a Kalman filter to probabilistically predict player positions.
As far as voicepacks, there is a system set up to allow permanently muting other players. If someone spams voicepacks, mute them.
Remember, Tribes 2 isn't Halo, where the average player is dealing with a clumsy joystick based control system, with a bunch of practically identical weapons, running on cheap console hardware that just about everyone can afford. The learning curve is steep with a lot of challenges to master -- few weapons are hitscan, there are armor, energy, and inventory management considerations, skiing well isn't something a new player grasps instantly. This game requires a degree of tactical and strategic thinking, in addition to a high level of manual dexterity; so, this game isn't for everyone.
With that said, Goons does have its issues. It's a large server, with a lot of players, and not enough admins to manage the mayhem. So, by all means... play on other servers, and balance out the player load. There are lots of servers with powerful hardware and fat pipes that are empty most of the time. But, don't predict doom to the game based on one (albeit popular) server.
Also agreed; there's a lot more servers out there than just Goon Haven. Granted, about 70% of them are always empty, but there are still options.
Read it again. What I gather from his post is that he's sick of other players using cheat scripts/mods. You apparently haven't witnessed some of the shit that I have lately PROJ, a couple weeks ago I shocklanced through a wall! how the hell does that happen? How bout getting sniped from a range that's impossible, like beyond the fog? I saw a dude(non-admin) vote players out BY HIMSELF once. You can't tell me this stuff is fair play man. You've been around long enough, I'm sure some of this has happened to you at one time or another.
Although, I do agree that it's improbable that a script has been written that will throw a mine and shoot a disc at it.
I do, however, firmly believe that there are still several players using scripts that give them an unfair advantage. I have no way of confirming that there is a mine-discing script in existence. I do know that HM2 and other "auto aim" scripts are being freely used.
Hopefully a required patch is coming soon to level the playing field.
Sniping outside of the fog range is possible with HM2, or certain waypointing scripts, and is the only plausible "shit" you've seen.
As implausible as it may sound, I was rounding a corner and before line of sight had been established between me and my opponent, I was lanced. I visually confirmed that the lance "looked" as if it were going through the corner. I understand that there may be code to detect if a wall or object intersects the path from the "lancer" to the "lancee", but in this case it didn't seem to effect the fact that I was the one on the ground. In any case, somehow he saw me coming, through the wall, and hit the trigger at a time when I was visible to his lance but he(or she) was not visible to me. Not likely, but... it did happen this way. Sorry.
As for the fraudulent voting, I don't know what to tell you about that. The vote-bar filled up with red, but the players were still getting kicked.
I know you frequent branzone central quite a bit, how often do you notice cheats in that server?
I rarely notice cheats on Branzone. I think most people who play there realize that the admins actually know how to determine if someone is cheating and will perma-IP-ban them for it. So, if anyone does use cheats, they know to be careful with them and not make it obvious.
You probably don't understand what you are talking about. Buddypoints is used to waypoint teammates (functionality provided by the CC). You maybe thinking of perma-IFFs (a cheat). There is also autopoints that waypoints enemies, but only while they are on the sensor net (functionality provided by the CC). So what you heard on Goon Haven was correct.
Sounds like it is serving to make the bad players not play at all.
It doesn't happen. It might have been a graphical anomaly due to your video card or lag.
The shocklance does not go through walls though.
If you were on the sensor net it is possible, but this could be someone with no fog.
If it only happened once, it could have been luck. My longest snipe ever was an accident. I simply missed my target (about 200 meters) and hit someone at some ridiculous distance (and way into the fog) maybe 600m or 700m.
There certainly are some cheats and cheaters.
People using interpolate.vl2 (anti-interpolate really)
The various perma-IFF scripts, crunchamod, etc.
actually, yes sl does go through walls and ffs. its not a cheat or hack, but an exploit. just gotta know how to do it
I wanna know secret
Eolk did it![me=Demoncard]UE's.[/me]
For the vote bar thing, those tend to "de-sync" with the server sometimes. This occasionally happened to me before and after the patch. As Thyth said, it's not possible to manipulate votes like that, as all the calculating happens serverside.