- person Belhade
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"Go down that way, really fast, and if something gets in your way...turn." As a tactically-minded FPS player with little twitch skill, I generally end up on base/gen defense, repair and farming. I've adopted a modified Bastard loadout for general useage. Having a fully-operational main base, flag stand and vpad makes a big…
My primary game is Battlefield 2: Project Reality mod, though I don't get much chance to play it lately. It's only fun if I can dedicate several uninterrupted hours which is near impossible with wife and baby. So when I do have half an hour or so during naptime, or late at night once everyone is in bed I'll hop on to Goon…
I played a lot of T1 back in the day...still have the old promo T-shirt ("No Man Is An Island") never joined any clans or scrims, just pubbie play. Tried T2 at one point but never got into it...when I heard someone mention TNext on some other game board I just had to come back.
Ok, I was just wondering, since it was the game servers as well as this site. And that it happened during my window of opportunity this afternoon. :(
Well...I was directed here by a post someone made on a community forum that I'm a member of, where I play BF2: Project Reality mod. (which just won Best Multiplayer and Mod of the Year) So...make a post on whatever other community/clan sites you're a regular at and get your forum buddies to play!