- person BloodravenD
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okay, I'm starting to think it might be the patch itself that is defective or something. I can play solo and lan just fine without the patch, but the minute I install the patch and try to run the game, I get a this is not a valid win32 application or something like that. As from the previous posts, I have tried a lot of…
just finished getting the torrent done and installed the patch from this site. Now its saying the not a valid win32 thing again.
okay, I did try that as one option, but I meant the update patch to get the version to 25034 is what I used. Then I did the tribesnext patch, which led me to getting another this is not a valid win32 error. I have to run it as an admin because this is the only profile I have.
I have checked the faqs to see what the problem was, It didnt help me any. I am running on vista if that helps any. Okay so I thought it might be that I'm using a non patched game, because it is from the disc and thats why I was getting the corrupted tribes2.exe file. I just got the update patch and tried to update, but…