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A serious note here?
Would you like a dictionary?
meow! i am the greatest! i am cat! meow! ;D
I remember when #ss2845 was shut down. Took me a while to locate the people from it.
It's almost always at the top of my list!
That only works on Vista
Number of online servers!
Missed the best mod, Renegades!
I approve of this, ImageCFG helped me play System Shock 2. it is *the* ultimate solution.
I can't agree that reviving PlanetTribes would "draw away" people from "the community", it would probaly do the opposite! Helping the word get out, helping files find their way around and so on...
Or if you are using Vista you can use: start /affinity 01 tribes2.exe
How... considerate of you, when do I get to breathe?
You'd need a catchy name and a good website for that. Actually, Halo's PC Multiplayer is close to perfection, the simplicity makes it excellent :-)
Clever use of other body parts.
And here's mine! (_ _) | | | | Looks better in Notepad. /_ _\ | | | | Doesn't look better.
While we're on the list of improvements and rules, I'd feel like sticking in something about IRC.
Well then I'll propose a rule. All money gained, must go to Cat's PayPal account. from where it will be used on various computer components most likely unrelated to Tribes. Good :D? no?
Be sure to shout and scream in IRC too :-)
The forums are neat :D
It reminds me of Quake though.