Dark Dragon DX
Programmer Dragon
- person Dark Dragon DX
- alternate_email ragoenqrradei@tzv@gmnvy.ail.com
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I'm not certain it's bound to multi-core processors (just that pretty much all modern machines are at least dual core). Though I have some ancient desktops here I can see about attempting to reproduce it on. My one laptop might also allow me to disable multi core processing to achieve the same effect on a modern operating…
It's an old bug with T2's sound code. Various sounds (not just the jet pack) can become corrupted like this. Though, I'm not aware of any way to address it.
Tribes 2 and TribesNext RC2A themselves are okay under WINE. I've ran T2 that way for years. Lookups to nonexistent domains are known to crash under certain circumstances. I'd be curious about if the DSO files can be edited to have the string table references to the now-defunct domains to read or localhost which…
My Tribes 2 name is DarkDragonDX but I am still not Lou Cypher. :)
I am not Lou. But I can attach files.
TMail and Clan creation was mostly working last I touched the code. There were some minor issues but I was able to manage clans and apply tags. I had stopped really paying attention to the repository after a fix I had wanted merged in took months and months to actually get merged and was merged in as of 19 hours ago. There…
It could be that the master server endpoint doesn't work under some conditions. After some debugging on my own systems suffering the same problem, I found that the master server list endpoint may not be behaving correctly. Below is a technical description, so basically tl;dr: it telling you that the server was added to the…
Work and real life has been in the way, but this is still touched upon every so often: https://github.com/Ragora/T2-DXAI
Yup, the "Retrieve Account" that you first have to do actually requires the authentication server to be around for the files to download. Once you have those credentials, the login is processed totally locally (the server could be nuked at this point) and that login decrypts your credentials for use with authentication…
Sling Scripts is still around, though that does kinda require you know the name of stuff you want. At the least, you can try some keywords to see if anything useful pops up.
That's pretty much what you have to do, that conversion mentioned would take someone figuring out the relationship of T2's sensitivity against various games and writing an equation to go back and forth. There's also the "Use DInput" option in T2's input setting somewhere that might change the way sensitivity handles, as…
http://dl.rawr32.net/maps/ is a good place for quite a few neat maps in general. They're not all strictly construction, but many are still cool maps. I like RealCity2002 which is really a CTF map but you can load it under pretty much any Construction mod all the same.
Along with nuking DSO files (run "del *.dso" from your GameData folder), it's also worth while to check for a prefs/ folder under your GameData/base folder. You'll probably want to delete that folder as well to be sure. Also to be sure, is it resetting across T2 instances or is it not taking at all?
It's just a 4x4 transformation matrix: http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/affine/matrix4x4/ http://www.opengl-tutorial.org/beginners-tutorials/tutorial-3-matrices/ You'll want to look around for a more complete description of the purpose of such transformation matrices.
The description on both functions for the engine registration said that, one uses w =1 and the other uses w = 0. The description on both functions for the engine registration said that, one uses w =1 and the other uses w = 0.
Oh I know, a lot of that doesn't need to occur period if I just use mAtan to acquire the facing. A huge portion of that code was to fake the player's X facing because I didn't immediately have a way offhand to grab it (I tried using a component in their rotation, but I don't remember why that didn't work). At the time, I…
https://github.com/Ragora/T2-DXAI/blob/master/scripts/DXAI/helpers.cs#L185 That does what you're describing, though it has a small chance for false-negatives. Worked well enough for my bots to use it, though. There's actually a massive computational complexity issue with it that I can fairly readily solve using mAtan and…
As mentioned in the other thread, there is a lot of quirky engine behavior. While also very dynamic in many areas, there's still a good handful of places where its rigidly hard coded and modification to the game's executable or runtime memory (via TribesNext-provided memPatch) may be necessary. You are also thinking of…
If all else fails, using %turret.startFade(1,0,1) would hide the turret and %turret.setScale("0.1 0.1 0.1") would reduce the scale and thusly reduce its bounding box to hopefully acceptable levels. I recall that there is a way to trick the engine into not running collision checks, but I don't remember what it is exactly.…
I'm under the impression he tried it with other T2 weapons, unless he didn't. The muzzle transform is set correctly on those. And the muzzle transform refers to the point in space at which the game considers the weapon muzzle to exist at. This is used as a point of origin for projectiles.
The engine has all sorts of quirky behavior, there might be something special about the rigging regarding the shocklance (and by extension, likely the ELF) image. However, I don't really have any experience with those types of projectiles specifically. I can however cite a specific case of peculiar engine behavior: Weapon…
Would need to have a lot of stuff like that then to introduce the interactivity that's lost in a game engine that's designed for ranged character combat, not zero-range. Problem is that you might need to rely more and more on the bots to fill in games with the less people you can get on board. There's only so much you can…
You could also use a sound emitter placed somewhere on the projectile at each spawn if you want to work around the sound stopping for each creation as it's clearly a projectile sound, so the engine will play a new sound for each new projectile. As far as the whole ELF thing goes, there is a turret_muzzle.dts that is very…
Their coding standards were far from pretty by what I recall. It would pretty much require a total recode if you want something that'll be easy to maintain and work decently.
Last I checked, those files would pretty much only open read-only in 3DS Max, but T3D still retains DTS support last I saw so the old resources (players, vehicles, items, etc) should be fairly easily ported with nothing much more than updating the rigging information to work in Torque3D (Tribes 2 had those declared…
Could try and bugger further if it doesn't work.
Just graph them all at once with those values set appropriately and see if it works the way you want it to. That looks to be the only native method of doing that.
Try assigning that as a property to all the objects you want to be game mode dependent in the mission editor. It should be possible in the "Inspector Mode". Somewhere in the section where it previews all the object variables there will be a button that will let you add it. After that, graph like normal and see if…
Looks like all you're doing is assigning "missionTypesList" to the variable items in the mission. missionTypesList = "CTF"; Is pulled directly out of Riverdance for a turret object. It's probably a space delineated list, as well.
I've pretty much never seen a map that did this. All spawn spheres were always used regardless of game type and I don't think there is a way to signal to the spawn sphere grapher to generate per-gamemode data. This being said, you may have to either not do it or have it graph all the spheres and add some code to the…