Dark Eagle
Blood Eagle Forever!
- person Dark Eagle
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Nice. I just remembered my forum password from 10+ years ago. Can't believe it still worked. :D
Someone help this guy? o_0
It looks awesome. It was a little laggy tho not sure if that was my settings or not. Red Shifter might know how to make the map work on the server without making the whole thing clientside, but idk if that is even possible.
I have not been able to join my own dedicated server either, but right now with college, I dont try anymore. sorry.
Looks nice.... will try it out.
Mine is C:\Dynamix\Tribes2\GameData\Tribes2.exe Did you install from the website or the disk?
^ webpage is not available ^ :(
Sooooooooooooooooooo. NO?
I am pretty sure the one from The Construct BC is copyrighted. But you should be able to download it free from their website. (http://xfer1.the-construct.net/tribes2/etc/)
I have talked to Thyth, and he said it only required about one full days work to be finished. But I don't think he really wants to spend the time on it, and he hates people bugging him about it. This makes me VERY sad. He is entitled to live his own life, though. LONG LIVE TRIBES!!!!!
Right on about the Tail-Gunner. I did that this morning. :) Death to bomber thieves!! I did not know about the turret thing, though, and it explains alot. Thanks!
Also, you can join the Tribes 2 Facebook group. :) http://www.facebook.com/groups/2219270113 I believe TribesNext is also on Twitter, @TribesNext, but they haven't posted since 2010.
Yes. IRC server is irc.tribalwar.com channels are #TribesNext #lastgasp #the_construct #tourney Or just hop in game! :)
Begging on hands and knees. "Thyth the great and powerfull, release unto us thy great work of might, and we shall be forever greatfull"
However, if you were to create the missing voices, and pack them in a .vl2 or .zip file and post the link, whoever downloaded it would hear the same. It's called a voice pack. :)
Welcome Brother!!
Does everyone else know that Tribes 2 has a facebook group? JOIN! http://www.facebook.com/groups/2219270113
Yeah, if anyone else has the .wav file, (like if they have the same pack) they can hear you, and you them. P.S. Sorry I couldn't help...
Yes, it still works. Thanks Turkeh!! Long Live Tribes 2!
Oh. I see. Does anyone know how much that might be? To me it is worth it, but that depends on whose money we are talking about? Donations?
BUMP! Someone might want to update the list at the top..... Also, I have a few newer links to add... * http://www.gamefront.com/files/listing/pub2/Tribes_2 * http://www.chaingunned.org/files.php (I know slingscripts was already listed, but this has some too.) * http://ateamonsite.com/appz/TRIBES2-UP.rar (direct download of…
I too have Tracer, but I don't know anything about the other two. And since no one else can hear client-side sounds anyway..........
It is a good idea. I have been trying to spread the word, but I have a very small online sphere of influence.
I believe Hi-Rez owns the rights.....to the Tribes name, and all associated content. But good idea. :)
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. You could have been done last year?! :o
Does Evo only work on classic (version c) and base (version b)?
I love this mod!
Love it!!!! ;D