Warrior of God
- person EmaG_KeacH
- alternate_email oxrnpu@tbkeach@gznvy.pbzmail.com
- perm_contact_calendar Member since
- today Last active (0 visits)
Nevermind I got it. Thanks again man. Its good to be playing again. :) -B
Nice you are the man!! Where can i get the support.vl2 I could not find it on your ftp
Here is the best part... "- pilot should think - gunner got to think too" LOL -B
Also... I am jumping back in after years of not playing so i need to rescript everything. It looks like you have just about everything i will need on your ftp (SCORE) I know i need something to change FOV but what other 'staple' scripts should i have? I know there are more but time has its way of diminishing memories. :/ :)
What is the name of the server? Any other details (mods, patches etc) I should have to participate? Thanks Bud, -B
AFK (Always Freaking KIlled) :P