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It seems to be stemming from my ISP but that makes no sense. Other games hosted in London run extremely smoothly. Just to make sure I'm not misunderstanding anything I will paste what tracert gives me: 1 6 ms 58 ms 62 ms my IP 2 37 ms 59 ms 45 ms [] 3 55 ms 89 ms 63 ms…
Got it to work after some ninjaing by Ephix
Weird that there isn't any more feedback on or help to get for this. Seems to me a valid problem and people will quit for this, no doubt...
Well... I DO get an error when i start tribes. I figured it had nothing to do with it because it worked perfectly after just pressing "continue" a couple of times. Reinstalles have not fixed this error. It reads: "Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameters 75b4bf9c + 75b4bf9c 75b4bf9c" So far: No antivirus No…
No firewalls. NOD32 AV off. Install was fine on LAN patch so T2 is A OK. Will try a fresh install just to be 100% sure. May it be an issue if I'm on WI-FI internet? You know... portable?
Still having the same issue, so I'm guessing server downtime isn't the problem. I'm going to need some help, seeing as how I'm at a loss here. If not, I think I will quit t2.