- person FaLLGuY
- alternate_email hcir520@ubgz0@hotmnvy.pbail.cozm
- perm_contact_calendar Member since
- today Last active (0 visits)
never mind I thinks I found it.
It seems to be working ........... Thanks guys! :)
I remember doing this before for the game to run good in the past. Maybe with my 5960X it might have some effect on the game...lol. I"ll give this a try also. Thanks! :)
Installed it we'll see what happens. Thanks! :) It doesn't do it all the time but it can get annoying when it does.
Never mind I found the server support post..... I
:-\ who me ?? Right here...... ;D
Practice, Practice, Practice....... 8) You have to be obsessed. Your like me halfass and enjoy just playing it. ;D
Ok I screwed up on the shortcut set up...... I can join he server now. Just have to wait till next Friday. :D
Yes I did but it's not working right I'm guessing.
I'll show if you guys do. 8)
FaLLGuY...... Miss my buddies T2 Warrior -=oV=- Omnino Victoria -SOUP- Servants of Ultimate Pain