Krash · Neptune Sleeps

  • Krash
  • Member since
  • Last active (2,049 visits)


  • That's what skiing is, yes, though you'll find if you pick up enough speed it won't feel like you're bouncing. I think there may be some videos with tips on technique and routes you can watch, but the general principle is that while you're jumping you won't be slowed by surface friction (depending on the mod).
  • Yeah, the audio system should be entirely async anyways, so bridging those calls elsewhere should be totally doable. The WebAudio API does also have some spatialization support, so positional data wouldn't have to be tossed out going that route either. Turns out I was at least partially mistaken about local connections not…
  • I gave it a quick try with Miles re-enabled again and it didn't have audio at startup, but the menu ambient and bloops would play if I caused it to reset (e.g. by changing the bitrate in the options). Whenever I'd open the options again, the audio would stop. Maybe something's causing the audio handler thread to terminate?…
  • Whoops, yeah, had GLES on the mind a bit early there. Those vertex glitches did have me thinking though, and it does appear boxedwine's opengl wrapper could potentially have issues with some of the game's behaviour: at a glance it mainly appears to be copying buffers to native memory on every pointer-related gl call…
  • Hmm, I don't think it should be blocked by the message loop input polling unless they've made some unusual changes in their Wine fork: the game uses PeekMessage rather than GetMessage, so it should return and continue processing immediately regardless of a signal being present in the queue. When it's handling the devices…
  • You can configure both server and client to use the perf counter with setPerfCounterEnable(1); in the console (I believe classic has a server preference you can set to do so automatically if you're running it, but I don't know it offhand) and it'll be a little more consistent with scheduling... though their implementation…
    in Server issue Comment by Krash June 2021
  • Are you connecting to a local/LAN server? Higher meaning what, exactly? Are you accounting for the ping being the full trip there and back? Do you have the perf counter enabled? The game communicates over bare native UDP sockets, and there's not really any overhead in the game itself to cause a delay -- save for it being a…
    in Server issue Comment by Krash June 2021
  • I have a copy saved here, but I don't know if it's that particular build. Some of the devs involved in that project are still around between here and a few discords, so might pipe in if they happen to see the mention of it.
  • Ahh, interesting. Not too surprised it was a forwarding issue, but that's a bit of an unusual it didn't activate on a range. As a point of curiousity the lowest port number the master server will accept as possibly being allowed is 1024 - just because below that are well-known ports typically reserved for core services.…
  • There's no need to forward port 80, just the UDP port your server is bound to (default 28000). You don't need to shut down your firewall, just make sure the Tribes2.exe isn't being blocked. The master server performs the same query a player looking to join your server would run, so if it responds with this message it means…
  • Hmm. I suspect that could be an issue with the BBCode parser on legacy posts -- there wasn't a lot of testing on editing them when adding compatibility for (most of) the features from the old forum formatting, just on making sure they rendered more or less correctly. Seemed to work fine when I tried editing that post…
  • I think the flood/spam control you ran into assumed they were new discussions, which was set to like 3 within 60 seconds and a 2 minute block if you passed it. Didn't realize they applied that same check to edits, but it's adjusted a bit now. You've also been set to verified, so it should bypass those spam checks for you.…
  • There's a group of people who play every day.
  • If you've extracted the "War2003" mod folder into your GameData directory, you'd launch it using: Tribes2.exe -online -mod War2003 or Tribes2.exe -dedicated -mod War2003 If you've run base or classic previously however, you'll also want to delete any .dso files in your base folder -- otherwise you'll likely have issues…
  • Keep in mind the address returned by the automatic detection mechanism is what the master server will be querying by default (and therefore what it will attempt to show to players), so if it differs due to your network configuration, you should really be setting $Host::BindAddress to the static public IP rather than…
  • The comment regarding setting this to $Host::BindAddress is specifically relating to server hosts with multiple possible external addresses to bind to; support for this is included by default in the current release (the host must have the variable set in their prefs/ServerPrefs.cs), and if it's not set on a server with…
  • Unless you're running the server with the "-nologin" flag (which sets it to run in LAN mode), the server will automatically start the heartbeat timer. Running StartHeartbeat(); will send a new heartbeat and reset the timer, if you need to see an immediate result.
  • There's a server called 'Discord Pub' that fills up regularly. It's currently at 24 players. If you look at the post from @BattleLore below, they're also running a stats system that'll show the matches being played each night and the players involved:
  • There were a few people who went through and removed some of their old posts years back, this must've been one of them... Not certain of the specifics, but I assume the confirmation was that the ren_scripts.vl2 included in one of those common mod packs was the final "2.1b" server script release. I'm not sure whether it…
  • When the server is online (as it is currently), this is almost always caused by a firewall blocking the game or your antivirus manipulating traffic through its "HTTP Checking" or "Link scanning" feature. You'll want to add an exception for Tribes2.exe to allow that traffic to go through. In rare cases it can also be caused…
  • Might be a bit of a tricky one to track down, but it's probably still out there somewhere. Pretty sure the only copy I personally have saved is a later version, from when it had to be downloaded for the clientside mech models.
  • ? Goon Haven was a Classic server
  • Hmm, guess the embed's getting squished in there... will have to check that later.
  • No signatures for now. Maybe later, but they're a bit of a hassle to deal with, and add an insecure/mixed content warning to the page every time they include images linked from insecure sites.
  • The attachment date would be fairly easy to display, download counts possibly a little less -- right now this system simply isn't currently tracking new views in the database (the old counts are still backed up), but I believe it does still do some routing that could be hooked into to add it. A files section isn't out of…
  • The old forum was unfortunately a few years past its best before date, so it was up to the point where it wouldn't really have been a good idea to keep running anymore. Now, having put a few weekends into getting everything exported and converted to their formats and working with Vanilla code, I wouldn't say it's the most…
  • You gotta hit the "Show personal skins" toggle under the "Game" tab in your options. It's technically possible for servers to override your selection and force team skins only, so you won't necessarily see your custom skins in every case, but I'm not sure anyone is blocking them these days.
  • The game is built around the concept of mods, and the vast majority of common gameplay mods are serverside: i.e. you, the client, don't need to download them. Map packs however are often required downloads because the game doesn't have a way to transfer files; if a server requires any downloads it will generally give you…
  • Which plugin are you using? The best one to use with Photoshop these days is SuperPNG: You'll want to make sure when opening a skin to select "Alpha appears as a separate channel"