- person Mruballos
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I been here since 2002. Years of playing, which makes me and old timer...and I am only 19 years old...sweet. Anyway what is the update? Loosing Tribes 2 has been like a girlfriend to me. I used to spend many hours with it, but after a few years more problems occur and in the end I had to get away. Sure I visit it now and…
As a community member, I suggest you take it down. The economy is bad, use it for better things. Such as sending it to me, that just a suggestion, but whatever.
Hey I am going to check on whats going on at ...hmmm...Arguing, rb10 makes yet ANOTHER advertisment of his crappy server, kryand responses with a funny but mean responce, everybody jumps in, and I say to myself this guys need a life...THE USUALL. (On and I respond saying how we should all just stop this is…
Kryand has no dick. But he is funny.
You know that beasteality is illegal right?
Thyth...just owned.
I apologize for Red Shifter, this is the only place were he can sound smart and important. Let him be.
robertom2002, next time you introduce yourself make sure you keep your shirt on. Please this is not
Get a life all of you.
You guys...really..really...need a hobby. Get of the computer.
Learning the game could get annoying also dealing with people that think they "own". Just go to throught that phase then the real fun begins.
Can we freaking end this? This is so pathetic...all of you get a dam life and stop flaming on Demoncard. Jesus we know he gets annoying but to post non-stop about him is just as annoying as him. Fuck off all of you, get out of the basement or something. Dam.
Distorter was the best and is the best. Book closed.
This is Mua!
Once are not awesome. At all. a gay fish.
Solid-Snake is not awesome. At all. Solid-Snake congrats on being the most un-awesome dude in the whole face of the world. a gay fish.
Someone needs a life... ::)
Hell NO!!!
Alright people...can we get back to the topic? Kanye a gay fish.
Wow you really love tribes. Hats of to you.
I agree Thyth it can be difficult because it's hard to figure out how people are going to ask it. But what I am doing is just logging all the questions people have asked in GoonHaven 64. I am looking everywhere for ways they ask a question. Might not be good now but in about 1 year or less it will come in handy. Who…
Very nice questions. Added to Shazbot. Waiting for more.
I think this gametype is too advance for us Tribes players.
Who the hell is Kryand? And I can't believe this threat still going on...
I am the sexiest in GoonHaven.
Adobe After Effects CS4.
Thanks for the suggestion.
Thanks, Waldred.
I agree with all of you. I didn't put alot of work to it, that's why I need some help suggestions. So keep it coming.