- person PetrifiedRoadKill
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OK thanks it must have something to do with me being on the same network then, is prob why i cant see it. Well as long as u can see it.
there i have the server up tell me if u can see it the name is roadkills server
I did a fresh install of tribes 2 with patch and im having the same problem. Its not my firewall i have port 28000 port forwarded on my router and in xp. I'm trying to host a classic dedicated server (I'm using the batch file that's in gamedata).
When i run it the regular way it shows up on the alternate master server list but not the tribes next server list. But maybe that there is disabled for now, so only the few selected servers are able to be viewed on the tribes next server list.
Oops, i left that detail out i was trying to host a dedicated server. But i guess its still all being tested.