Philip J Fry
- person Philip J Fry
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I'll have time this weekend to play some havoc if your up for it. -Phil
Defender, I'm getting a man in the middle attack when I attempt to connect to the server now. -Phil
Thanks. your server is showing the wrong player count though 8 bots and 2 people show up as 18. -Phil
Ah thanks. -Phil
Not what a meant. closest thing is the Arena maps. I found a classic Dual mod and I was looking for dual maps. I assume the mod will do multiple 1v1's, I don't know yet because I haven't loaded it it up. -Phil
Are your servers up? I can't seem to see it. Edit: mmm after checking I don't seem to be getting any base servers.
You shouldn't need a CD key. Thats the point of TribesNext. You download it from the client linked on the DL page (if you use the CD you will have to patch it to the client version). Then download the TribesNext patch and create a login.
I'll do some testing. it'll be a few hours before I can though. -Phil
I have this problem to. I'm running vista if that helps at all.. -Phil
I would assume because of the combination of these things. 1: Vivendi was giving it out for free as a promotion to Tribes Vengence. So they are not infringing on distribution rights of T2. 2: They no longer support T2. 3: TribesNext isn't claiming ownership of T2. and they are not claiming they Vivendi is responsible for…
I run T2 on vista too and I still have that prompt . The only problems i've had so far is it crashes when I alt-tab. I run it on a Dell M1530 with all Dell drivers. Like the above post said don't use windows update drivers. -Phil
Ah sorry about that ;D. -Phil
I'm more of a HO/HD. Plasma rifle Disk Grenade Shock Mortar everything else changes depending on what i'm doing -Phil
Is the EWO T2 player base big enough for a split to be an issue? -Phil
Make sure you forward the 27999, 28000, 28001-29000 for tribes 2 if you think your router might be blocking. That turned out to be my issue. -Phil
I was a big T1 and T2 fan. I was very excited and surprised to see this on penny arcade. Thank you for taking the time to do this. -Phil