- person RADARrevolt81
- alternate_email nybaralonevagurintheriretevergerrafreens@gmail.com
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- today Last active (0 visits)
In response to the question of what pack the TG should use, I only see 2 choices. Repair and Ammo. Sensor Jammer is useless. I personally always pick Ammo pack for one very good reason, FLARES!!! The more the merrier!! The Repair pack should be worn by either the pilot or bombadier for emergency landing and repair,…
Played T1 & 2, both since release dates. Super bummed when the servers went down. I spent a lotta years without the internet, so I never got at ridiculously freakin amazing at T2 as most, but I logged a lot of hours, particularly when I formed a clan. It was a small one, only lasted about a year and had about 30 active…