Nothing like a shocklance to the back.
- person Ravin2112
- alternate_email g2ent2raiva@vin@tznvgmail.com
- perm_contact_calendar Member since
- today Last active (0 visits)
Guys, In case you don't know we hang out at https://t2discord.tk Good place to go to get a game started or ask a question.
Thanks for the help and keeping T2 going for us that are still playing.
PUB means "public server" where random players can join. Snap LAK PUB, and Snap Crackle PUB both have all the original game elements and weapons with the exception of the Mortar turret. Nothing else is missing.
There is a small amount people playing because the game is 18 years old and most have moved on to other marriages. The Snap PUBS have all the weapons available that was originally made for the game. Tribes2 was meant to be modded. Mortar storm and nukes are are modded weapons not original to the game. Admin mods ban mortar…
Very simple actually. With regard to the bot server most of those that are left in the game don't want to play with BOTS. We need a bigger challenge. We can have 10-20 any given evening in the USA. Have had great games the last few nights.
Earth, Glad to see you guys putting together some matches. You might post some notes on discord. There is a large active crowd on there.
Still some activity, Two active servers, SCP with players in the evenings playing CTF about 10-15 players. A LAK server with people playing at random times. No Arena around anymore. Welcome back.
Thanks Thyth for all your work on T2
The map I believe you are referring too was called Crisscross. You are correct it was on the EWO server. If you find it let me know and I can have it added to the LAK server. It was a fun map to play. I will dig for it.
You are to young to retire.....from tribes
Thanks for all the work on this Robertom....
Come back rJay!!!!
Nice job Red
Awesome job robertom, good video from QuakeCon.
Were people playing Tribes positions? * Like light defense, heavy offense, etc? Na, most peeps did not know the game, They had 16 stations with 4 of the developers playing with us. They were good; killin cappers and in shrikes and gravs. If so, how did they play with the 2 weapon loadouts? Everyone was tryin different…
BTW, did you try out the heavy? No I didnt try the heavy, Battled some guys that did they were moving pretty good. Did not get any pic's =( it was dark in there, no lights on, it was all about the games.
The feel of it is same as classic. Maybe a little faster T2 overall. speed is hitting the right angles you can get speed going.
Ok, here is my take on the new Tribes game. Got to play it for about an hour earlier today. Besides the freebees and cool Tribes T-Shirts they gave us, the game is pretty good overall. Way better than Vengeance for sure anything would be. Here are a few notes. Weapons: Reload, feel, and look is just like "Call of Duty"…
I'll post some thoughts after the event. I think the main thing is giving feedback to the dudes makin the thing. They are all suppose to be there.
Thyth, Wanted to also say thank you for your efforts on keeping this game going and the improvments you are making are going to be very valuable. Keep it up. Ravin
No it is alive and well.
YES, we can use these. Thank you for offering them. Ravin
Best game ever!!!!
There are plenty of servers for everyone. Depending on what you like.
I say keep it. I love playing on that server, its fun, fast and most all smooth. I understand RB why you want to let it go when looking at the amount of users. Just hate to see another one go!! Ravin
Wild discussion - Love this stuff - V2 relieves my stress thats all I care about. Ravin
Just adding to what Carp said. I appreciate RB keeping a V2 server on for us all to play on. V2 is much more fast paced and adds additional fun to the game. Come and try it sometime. Ravin