- person Rigorr
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thanks for posting irrelevant links. I understand the use of a client, just not account creation. These are separate things. I can't create an account due to some ISP firewalling between australia and the acc. creation server. I can't fix this issue, but thanks for the canned condescending FAQ link. It was not helpful =)…
PS: everyone I asked to create an acc gets an error. i guess because they've already created an acc, and cant create a second?
anyone want to register an account for me? :)
Microsoft Telnet> open To not open connection to the host, on port 23: Connect failedMicrosoft Telnet> open To not open connection to the host, on port 23:Connect failed
running XP, windows firewall is disabled (see first post) What IP do I put into the telnet box? yes I can see that the auth server is up.. ergo this post I dont doubt that the auth server isnt down, I just dont know why I can't connect to it :
siege rocks, it always did. I liked how complete it made teamwork. certain positions needed filling, but there were never redundant positions on maps; like needing someone to defend gens all the time, regardless of whether they were under attack. In siege EVERYTHING is under attack; and it will go down; the only question…
do the antivirus also install themselves without you knowing? :) this is a practically clean install of windows, no AV at all. I have no idea why I can't connect.. tempting to get the ole 56k modem out to test tbh.
yes. the only one that is realistically relevant past what I've done already is the affinity test, which didnt help.
get mines out, pick mines up off dead HO. Use weapons that don't damage yourself, or at least as much (shocklance, Plasma) plasma/mine owns mine/disc indoors, also plasma has a higher rate of fire. if you have good mines, and decent LD then the HO arent getting through with full HP and full energy (esp if they are spackHO)…
At the best of times you can only nullify one other position. at the worst you are a waste of space. Not really a good tactical position if you ask me. I do like the idea of satchelling the HoF, and the VPad, but in terms of keeping a vpad down, a HO(or MO) is likely to have more success and for a longer period of time…