
  • Sev
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  • Have children so you can make your own video game clan?
  • About the first one, since when was there a shoulder mounted cannon in tribes? Would be sweet though lol.
  • Lol. I know that is the way it is now, but what i am asking is it possible that that will ever be changed so some non CTF maps are rondomly selected?
  • Thanks for all the replys but it still didnt answer my question. Lol Maybe I should rephrase it better. Is it possable for some non CTF maps to be added to the random maps selected or is Goon Haven a pure CTF random server only? :-\ Oh and i was mostly talking about cap and hold, siege, and maybe hunters but i do…
  • Ok this may have been talked about but Im not really interestd in reading through 16 pages of thread. Lol. Anyways I was wondering if there is a possability of some non CTF maps being added to the Goon Haven rotation. I mean if people really hate it they can vote the map down right? Could this at least be tried for a week…
  • well it may good practice for newbsbut they could just have there own lan game. why do we need ten bot servers that no one will play on occuping the top slots?
  • well i just figured i'd clear up one thing. turns out the filter did work but only after shutting down tribes and turning it back on. still new players probably wont be doing this. at least i got to play some rabbit yesterday.
  • well i tried making filter by setting max bots to zero and it didnt work. bot servers still showed up. anyways i think the idea of not having the bots add to the player count is a great idea.
  • Uh, no? :(
  • Lol for some reason I never use filters. I guess I could, but still lots of new players are not going to start playing tribes and right at the start make a filter for no bots amd then they'll probably never even think to go on anything but goon haven. Plus bot servers are useless.
  • Well we really need to keep the player base under one community, al least while its just starting to build back up. I mean there are like 10 different tribes sites I know of and having people go to all different one is a bad thing, at least when there arent alot of players. The situation is better then right before they…
  • oh and tell them to give the cd to someone else after they have installed it. to make sure they do also burn a txt file to the cd and call it give to someone else. that way they install it give it to someone else and so on.
  • hey guys i've got a great idea. odds are you know some prety lazy people. people to lazy download a 600 mb file. well i have a plan to circulate copies of tribes. step 1. take tribes two install file and patch and burn to cd. step 2. give cd to someone.
  • Yeh I did think of that later. Your right we should wait but when its all fixed then we can start telling people. Oh and I thought of a fun little thing we could do. After its all finished and we start telling people obout it we should have a thread where we come on and post how many people we have gotten to download and…