" "Try to relax and enjoy the crisis." "
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This was DIRECTLY after the 10 seconds. Not before I hit the keygen. Kay, it goes like 3...2....1.. And changes to step two? Yea, it freezes THERE. Redownloading atm.
Liar. >.>
I want to click that link Eolk. But I'm not going to.
Not what your mom said last night. ;)
Lol, you're so positive, Ultra.
Gee, dumbass, Rawr32 has several mods on it, a ton of maps, and other various things like that con players like. That, and I'm PRETTY sure TC is gonna update along with the patch. Der.
ACCM, TWM, and the other customs.
Irritated as hell at the Post-CCM Dev's. I mean fucking seriously, is it so hard to just listen to someone who plays all the mods? And listens to what everyone else says? And has a general feel of public opinion! ARGH. Not only that, but then they fill the mods with a bunch of pointless useless shit. Don't get me wrong,…
*goes after Tribes2Player with a shotgun* MAH BATTLEFIELD!!
Pretty sure Krash just chewed out Phantom. Kudos!