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I'm not at all a fan of goon, however your points are weak. If I were you, I would be glad that they banned me so soon. Rather than bringing up your skills to a level of being able to "pwn their cheatin asses" any how. And being kicked for that!
1. Yes they do. ... (NOT EVEN GOING TO GET INTO IT). 2. Desperate folks sometimes do [glow=red,2,300]disparate[/glow] things. 3. Suggestion: play another server.
STL here. I was in a texas truck stop, not long ago. And looked on one of the video game list (top score) and noticed someone eles using my name! So I'm guessing some Texas folks still play. :o
DAMN!!!! I enjoy playing "tribes" also but... Let it go man, just let it go!
Good video. I noticed that early in the match they were making use MORTAR TURRETS as a means of defending the flag. :o :o
Personal OPINIONS!
Imo you should'nt move or take out someone eles's "D" or move someone else's mobile. Some may take this statement to it's extreme but I wont give a crap. And since folks are shiting on Mortar turrets, I say it is perfect primary defence turret barrel when being overrun.
time? date? any recent? Talk the talk, let's see the walk. How about a 900+ log Thread?
I for one would like to hear more about this grav cycle snipe! WOW! Just WOW! :-\
Just got a 959 headshot on fc. bout 10mins ago.
The most recent that I recall was like 960+ headshot on fc, perhaps last week On Headstone(?). I got the fc s' route down and taged him! Thanks for asking BTW.
And 1% is mostly all that has yet to depart ! :P
Imo TRIBES 1&2 are the 1 and 2 best shooter games. But both have their problems. To be short the trouble is just a "sign of the times" , like grandmas with tramp stamps, I guess. It's a damn shame that some folks find it easier to dig into the system to gain advantage rather than to take their lumps and learn from them and…
Bass, Drums, Keys, Finger snaps, .......................................................................and yes. a mean Cow Bell! BTW: lookout for that single "Turbans UP, Rebels Down.....Bitch!"
Aint there offical rankings for stuff like this. ..... oh yeah, I forgot. Sorry for the interupt, continue.
Humm, interesting. Maybe someone would want to put "Big Money" on how this thing is gonna go? 8)
Firstly, I guess what I replied in this thread is not directed towards you then. Secondly, I see that you must play a mod or a server that I dont play. I been playing almost, if not everyday now for about a month and have yet to notice your name on the scoreboard for any of them. However, I have noticed that you have much…
I think one of the best ways to bring back players and even attract new ones, is to fix TRIBES's integrity problems. How to best do that I'm not sure. And if you reply something to the affect of "what integrity promblem". Fine then, I ask you how many screen names do you use for Tribes forums and playing? and more…
The reason I asked was, I think, someone was impling that sniping in the fog was difficult? As if the fog sould hiding them from being sniped. Perhaps I'm not understanding something correctly.
It sounds as if you have had more than 1 problem that I had/have from playing T2. Some folk, I have found it seems, only play T2 in a regimented fashion. If you aint doing what they do, than It can only be that you dont know how to/noobie. Rather than choosing to play the game your way. Personally I choose to play map by…
Right again you are. It clear that some folks rather be commenting in and on some "you refer to me as a retard and I retort something half witted out the side of my mouth thread" better. All under the underlaying mistical credo that he shall bring great grief. If so its a two-way street, Merlin of the lower rooms of his…
The topic of this thread is sensor jammers. NOT Goon, NOT Cheats, but rather sensor jammers. Thank you very much. However, that thread did mention the sensor jammer. What it jams and when it jams. I feel can be a topic of its own. What I found interesting was that someone wrote something to the effect, that the manual was…
Hope it's not closing time already!!
You are soooo right. Well then, how about a "something aint right, maybe it a cheat/ heads up" thread? And not open it if you rather not hear the topic!
You guys knocking mines. It's a very gleeful feeling to get a K for something you tossed 15 minutes earlier. ;D Or to turn your back and see some butt stalking nuisance laying dead from the mine you had watching your back!
I feel that this will be my last repley under this thread due partly to my belief, the problem goes deeper than just goon. For me It's clear that some of the things that go on, on goon I personlly find unacceptable as a place to play "Tribes2". Fine that's how they roll, then that's how they roll. Play on Players! The…
Is that how Vegas got like that?
And I thought it was time for the auto-aim skit. ;)
Since it seems things are headed in that direction, I put this out there. If a teammate sees you defence getting a number of kills. and then for no other reason kills your "D" only to replace with his. Is it cheating to then kill his? I ask this because this was common on the"" t1 server I played on from most if not all of…
What are the Maps? classic maps? personal maps? "personal ski maps?"