Turkeh · nil
- person Turkeh
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The master server list can be found at http://master.tribesnext.com/list. This will only provide you with a list of IP:Port pairs, and you will need to use a library (something like GameQ) that's capable of "talking" to the individual T2 servers to fetch the information you are interested in. Alternatively, if you're too…
If you are using the tribes2gsi.exe installer (available from the tribesnext.com main page), then there is no need to install the 25034 update (it's already applied!). The only reason you would need to install the 25034 update is if you are installing from a CD or some other outdated install medium.
Per the last available comment from Thyth, it seems the account server won't be up before the end of this month. Unfortunately, there isn't any additional information beyond that. If you, or your friends, have an account already, you could share the credentials in the interim (this would require sharing the key files in…
The TribesNext forums are not affiliated with any one server, nor is there any centralized system for banning an account. If you wish to have a user banned from any server, I would suggest contacting the servers administration team. Thread is locked.
I got a bit bored (and felt like learning AngularJS) and threw together an alternate web-based UI for the community server. You can access it here: http://turkeh.net/browser/. Source is available on github (no guarantee that it's pretty, or good).
*sigh* Hooray for linking to a (dead) GeoCities page that is the T2 equivalent of Fox News The Onion.
This general inflammatory attitude/tone in your post (and others like it) are the reason the threads are being locked. If the community wants to have a discussion about how SCP is bad, and could be improved or replaced while using grown-up words, logic, and basic human decency to do so they are free to make such posts. As…
Perhaps you meant vengeful? I find that hard to believe based on your previous comment, and your comment does not have any semblance of an apologetic tone. Either way the thread's locked & you can go about your merry business with SCP on the t2forums site.
You can also find everything from Tribes2maps.com at TribalOutpost.
These "discussions" of the SCP server are not going to solve any issues with the managing of the server. If you feel you have been wronged you should try (calmly) explaining your issue & discussing with the management staff. If you feel you could do better at managing a server you could always host your own. Either way a…
Please contain all IronSphere beta chatter here rather than filling the General Discussion board with related threads.
I believe T2 will overwrite your ServerPrefs.cs file with the default version if, for some reason, your altered settings are not valid (syntax error in the file). Try copying & renaming your altered ServerPrefs.cs file (perhaps something like MyServerPrefs.cs), and once your server has loaded you can try exec'ing it to see…
The only code change required would be in scripts\ChatGui.cs$IRC::Server = "irc.tribalwar.com"; Recompile the .cs to a .cs.dso from within T2compile("scripts/ChatGui.cs"); Package the updated .cs and .dso in the .vl2 file To ensure the new value is picked up you would need to remove the existing entry in your…
Thread locked. Don't revive old threads for your petty quibbles.
We have actually moved to the Tribalwar IRC server (irc.tribalwar.com/#tribesnext) I'm just too lazy to update the client with the new server details.
You need to have the skins installed. So drop the .vl2 files in the base directory, or the various skin .png files into the base/skins directory. If you do have them installed, make sure you have the "Custom Skins" toggle enabled in the game settings.
The "gamespy installer" is the Tribes2_gsi.exe that you can find in the downloads section. The unhandled exception for win7 is probably because the VM doesn't have direct access to the GPU, so it likely didn't load a proper driver with support for OpenGL/D3D. Try running your wine based install via the terminal, and see…
They don't have a watch? :P
Direct your concerns with the Goon Haven server to their forums at http://goonhaven.org/forums/
The Moon? Or maybe a Tribes2/TribesNext signal we should flash in the sky of every major city!
Please direct your issues with the Goon Haven server to their forums at http://goonhaven.org/forums/
If you are running a dedicated server (server is a separate window) then entering addbots() in your game/client console will give you the " (0): Unable to find function addbots" error. You will need to run the command from the server console (the black window with all the crazy text). If you are running a listen server…
That's because Goon Haven has implemented a leveling system. The more you play and the more kills you get, the more powerful your weapons become. So if you play long enough, you'll eventually get a one-shot-kill blaster! ::)
Duplicate of http://www.tribesnext.com/forum/index.php?topic=2564.0, locked.
Clan tags are not readily available at current. Those users in Goon Haven with clan tags participated in the Tribes 2 Anniversary Tournament and were given a tag for the occasion.
Have you tried the FAQs?
There is a project underway to provide an automated resource transfer...
That would likely depend upon how well they are at using a console controller versus the keyboard.