Turkeh · nil
- person Turkeh
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- today Last active (1 visits)
-connect "ip-address:port" -password "server-password"
Perhaps because they prefer their anonymity.
No, you cannot retrieve your account from "back in the day", as the original Tribes 2 master servers have been taken down.
Have you read the FAQs?
Please direct your inquiries to the Goon Haven Forums.
Second issue is covered in the FAQs
If you untick the Hide extensions for known file types option in your folder options (under the View tab) you can just change it with Windows.
in your base folder create textures/skins and put the .png files there.
Tribes 2 (typically from the GameSpy installer), then the TribesNext patch. It should work on Mac OS X if you run it under crossover/wine... Hop on the in-game IRC or use Mibbit and join the IRC channel (irc.arloria.net / #tribes) and somebody there can help you (if you're patient).
You can use Crossover Games on Mac if you use the old RC1e patch (you'll just need somebody using RC2 to create an account for you).
Have you read the FAQs?
Did you perform a clean install of Windows 7, or did you perform an upgrade from a previous version? My quick google search yielded this I used the RC (clean install) and never experienced that issue.
You can try to reverse the energy degradation of the isolinear data chips to detect localised harmonic interference in the warp core! [/random]
You can run in offline mode by using the -nologin commandline switch. However, I don't believe Mechina works with the latest version of Tribes 2 (25034)...
This thread has certainly disproved the OP!
Yeah, 'cause the website can handle the traffic it has already... TribesNext has (very likely) already seen its peak in free advertisement, and that was at launch. You have to remember that Tribes was a niche market to begin with, and that most (if not all) of the current games that have come to market lately have been…
I would suggest reinstalling Tribes2 (use the torrent if you don't have a disc or the installer around). You will probably want to download your graphics drivers from the nvidia website since WIndows 7 has been known to install graphics drivers that don't include OpenGL support.
Welcome to the internet, where anonymity provides no real accountability. You're playing a game where you kill your enemies, the verbal abuse is part of this genre. Some might use it because they're flustered, others may use it as a tool (get the opponent to come after them instead of guard the flag, etc). If you don't…
Split the threads. Next time use the PM feature to try solving a problem.
Try the following:* Ensure you installed the Catalyst Drivers for your card (reference: http://www.tribesnext.com/forum/index.php?topic=1792.0) * Disable Catalyst AI in the catalyst control panel (reference: http://www.tribesnext.com/forum/index.php?topic=1056.0)
Moved from Server Support. See the following:* Tribes 2 Manual * Newbies Guide
The screen you see after logging in with your avatar/character is simply to see what your armor will look like with the skin/race/gender you choose. If you want to use medium or heavy armor you will have to change your loadout (numpad enter opens the inventory hud) and step onto an inventory station.
The community features (tribes, buddy list, t-mail, ...) are forthcoming features. See the Development Roadmap for more details
Have you disabled vertex lighting?
t2maps.com is now tribaloutpost.com