
  • Unworthy1
  • Member since
  • Last active (0 visits)


  • Another question: If I successfully install a mod, will it work in single player?
  • Question- Can I install a mod so I can access it in the Mod Hud in Single Player?
  • Ok, I can handle that. Well thanks again for helping me!
  • Thanks, This'll probably be my main skin for awhile... lol
  • Yea, I kinda figured that for the skin... And I'll just have to figure out how to aim with my head... lol... Now all I have to do is find the actual bots' skin... Question: Are there some files in Tribes 2 that I could copy and move or something that would bring the bots' skin up as a custom? Btw: I would download your…
  • There are a load of .vl2 files, but there are also .zip files. Do I do the same with the .zip files as I do with the .vl2 files?
  • I'm guessing you mean the option called 'Show Personal Skins' in game settings? Because I've already turned it on... This might be off the topic, but can you display your crosshairs in thirdperson mode?
  • I've downloaded this, but I don't know how to install it... Is there a Readme in there somewhere?
  • Hey, my favorite skin is a tie between the Blood Eagle (That's right, one of the normal skins) and the bots' skin. The one the bots wear. By the way, I've been looking everywhere and can't find the bots' skin for download. Do you know a link to download it? Or how I can get it?