- person WarChilde
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ha! Thanks to Thyth he referred me from irc. Thanks to Turkeh for the work.
was that the same audio cd that came with the game when it was released? i remember listening to that. I think i still have it somewhere.
i always wanted to do a SLI setup with some 3dfx cards, but then they released the Banshee. Yep, i endued up going that route and spending the price of the other video card on more RAM, doubling my 32MB to a whopping 64MB! woohoo!
i will always remember my voodoo 3 3000 card. loved that thing. i remember installing it with my OC'd celeron 300a (to a blazing 450MHz) and launching t1. it was a great night!
nice, i'll be pimping the pack for my fellow IX bro!
played tribes when it was in beta, then ending up buying 3 or 4 copies so my brothers and frieds could play because there was no single player mode, just those training missions. I played on the IX (insomniax) servers for the most part. Tribes 2 i've been mostly with -CDL- for most of it, there were a few other clans that…
cannot connect to IRC anymore :( heh, figgered it out
IX was the shiznits.
hey 45, that 9800GT will play T2 just fine.