
  • WiiMote
  • Member since
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  • Well, the obvious answer would be to make what you want. If you want a map where the flag stands are twelve meters apart, by all means.
  • :P Despite his bias, he might be appropriate as a judge. It would be interesting to see the differing opinions. And if he's judging, the name of the map pack would even be fitting! Honestly though, variety is a good thing. If Kryand doesn't make a map, I'll toss up my vote for him as a judge. Although, if he has experience…
  • Ah yes, the chaingun. Another one I love. Nothing like mowing down a player only to listen to him bitch about chain noobing.
  • I got a response, he said they already have one in the works. Cool beans. And yes, I just used the term "cool beans".
  • I could agree with that, but for a completely different reason. First map pack should be called, "Now with 37% less Kryand!" :D
  • Satchels... Everyone says they're useless, and everyone hates when you use them. Concussions... Underused, and everyone's always surprised by them. Flares... It's just so much fun watching a missile TK an enemy!
  • There's another forum I frequent that has a few rules in place. The rules are primarily there to prevent discord, and they work very well. Of course, they need the moderators to enforce the rules, which they do, quickly, and impersonally, seen a mod ban a friend of his for a few days. I just dropped a few suggestions. If…
  • If you find it, you are amazing, and I will sacrifice a small woodland creature in your name.
  • I'm trying. That was the point of this thread... In fact.. I might have an idea.
  • Playability: Are the teams' bases similar? Do all of the assets work properly? Are the assets placed in areas that make sense? Is the terrain on the map designed well for the map's purpose? Is the visibility appropriate? These are all extremely important things, and are the primary issues to consider in a map. Appearance:…
  • Actually, I think doing client side maps might be a good idea... Think about it: Since TN is now the "official" source for Tribes 2, any TN patches released in the future could plug in additional maps. With some mapping contests, we could possibly get some new and interesting maps into the game. At the very worst, the site…
  • Looks like Particle from PC-RPG is going to pick up on this too. I saw Oni post over in his forums, and I'm not sure if he saw the follow-up. Particle suggested that you guys cooperate on the development. I don't know if I agree with that personally. Working individually would promote different ideas a little more, and two…
  • Originally was ElectricMindFunk from an email addy. I had trouble getting one, since everything was taken at the time (even ten years ago), so I took my old one at the time, MindShatter, and mixed it with my sister's, ElectricHiigh, then tossed a third word in for good measure. I used that for a while. After that, I…
  • I find you can generally tell who to ignore off the bat by looking for a few signs in their screen name: Any words like assassin, killer, thug, gangster, are classic warnings. Especially when they replace the -er with an -a. When two words like these are combined, "thuggangsta, killacriminal", or if they have some sort of…
  • I've come to a conclusion... I... I love you.
  • How did you manage to post ten minutes after pinko, and not read his post?
    in Hi.. Comment by WiiMote February 2009
  • Was I the only one that read this as a "thank you for TN"?
    in Hi.. Comment by WiiMote February 2009
  • I have never seen that happen.
  • Here's an idea I had in the past.. It's mainly just something that would be interesting. A sniper rifle that heals instead of hurts, for team mates. Requires a repair pack, and headshots are still more effective. Maybe limited to medium armor?
  • DSL. The connection speed varies depending on time of day. Maybe it scales with the upload cap too.
  • Ah, niftay. Since it appears you've taken at least one of my ideas into consideration, the heat signature on the shield pack, I'll continue brainstorming. I've always wanted to mod, but never wanted to put the effort into learning :P Still, seeing my ideas being put into action is awesome. With Tribes 2 coming back, maybe…
  • So, what kinda mod you workin on?
  • The guy should be served with a global "no tolerance" policy. Permaban him as soon as he starts dicking around.