
  • WiiMote
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  • Been over a year since I've last posted.. Just wanted to say, highly anticipating this.
  • What works in competitive play may not work in a pub, and what works in a pub may not work in competitive play.
    in None Comment by WiiMote April 2009
  • Well, the mine on death script is the one that annoys me. It's not only a lame attempt at padding your own score, but it's also detrimental to your team. If a server could include some sort of mod that detonates all undeployed mines when someone dies (with no damage), it would solve the problem.
  • I understand where he's coming from... The problem is that it isn't an "unfair advantage" when the scripts are readily available to anyone. The final decision is up to the player themself, as well as the owner of the server they play on. I personally do no agree with the autoflare script, so I don't use it. If that means…
  • I think those are some pretty sad examples. When a script is modifying a person's gameplay in a way that allows them to do something humanly impossible (mine on death), I think it's fair to call it a cheat. When it's a script that binds two keys to a single button press, you may as well call anyone using a keyboard and…
  • I have more fun learning something then being good at it. I enjoyed learning to solve the Rubik's cube quite a bit, and now that I know how to solve it, I don't have fun with it any more. Remember what we said about the difference between fact and opinion? Next time you want to claim something as "fact", take a moment to…
    in Advice Comment by WiiMote March 2009
  • Two direct nades, problem solved.
  • Legions? I played that once. It still burns when I pee. Never had that problem with T2, so yeah, virus free.
  • Possible to code in a requirement for a verticle clearence for deployables? Stick that in, make the requirement something like 10 meters, problem solved. Even if they attempt to use it as a blockade, a player can simply go over it. Hmm, I just got an interesting idea for a weapon of sorts, assuming it's possible of course.…
  • CPA is up. Mouse pops into the server on occasion. You'll see some old faces in there.
  • Yeah, that's the same map. Combat CPA hosts that map.
  • I felt the same way in the past. The laser rifle needs to be toned way down. If the range is cut a bit, the SL could be the homerun bat from SMASH. Maybe down from 16 meters to 8 or 9? The chaingun's knock back is pretty low, but it serves as a decent way to get a little more push on a player, and might just be enough to…
  • Reply--> Advanced options at the bottom--> Attach: Pretty nifty.
  • My three year old is learning it too. He's heard it on the computer when I've been playing.
  • You're right... I'm being too much of a hopeful idealist.
  • I'm liking what Uranium - 235 said, and he's right. Ground vehicles are feeling kinda "meh" in GTW. A few tweaks may help with that. The grav cycle could have a small sensor jamming radius, making it a much better vehicle for scouting. Maybe even add a wider sensor effect to it, which would be countered by the fact that it…
  • Awesome. I'll have to look at it. The latest version I know of included the starfox map. I know there was a mario themed one as well.
  • Strange, it just started doing it out of no where? Have you tried turning off all your scripts? Changing the FOV back to normal? Have these questions already been answered in the other thread? edit: Also, I don't care about the money. If I end up figuring it out (doubtful), just keep it. Or give it to a charity. I don't…
  • I wonder if it's actually just your video card. For some reason, Tribes 2 has always been a bitch about the Radeon series.
  • Yeah, I've done some digging though, couldn't find it.
  • I don't think so. A themed map might be fun for the holidays or something, but I think just giving the mappers freedom on this one is the best idea. Since it's a first time contest, we should keep it fairly simple. Just a CTF map, client side or server side, doesn't matter. Keeping it server side obviously has it's…
  • Hehe.. Well now. Someone hates the HOF.
  • I've seen a good map with the flags, literally, just a few meters apart. They were separated by a large wall that was something like 500 meters high, and it stretched to either end of the map. Honestly, of course, this isn't what I was referring to. I've never, however, seen a map that was five kilometers squared, with…
  • Err... It's sort of dependent on the map... Capper: The player that attempts to capture the enemy's flag. HO: Heavy offense, attempts to destroy enemy assets, and cause chaos in the enemy base. Chaser: Player's who make it their job to chase down flag runners. Also called LD. HOF: Heavy on Flag. They can make nabbing the…