Yours Truly
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I'd absolutely LOVE to have wires. But what can I ask my landlord lol. But when your wifi spikes, does your pc lag with it? My music, mouse, computer temp freezes for 1 to 1/2 second when my wifi spikes ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
Exactly my POV right there, but we're on the 3rd floor of his 3 floor apartment, and his router can only do so much you know what I mean, he has 54mbps wifi and I do get that when I'm right above the router, but on my computer I get around 500-800ms pings to yahoo, where as on the laptop(being that it is a laptop, love the…
Finally! Another answer that seems logical! --What popped into my head is windows 7's messed up permissions, so I ran the patch as an admin and figured it would of patched Tribes.exe successfully like the guy said in that link, but sadly I get the same results =( I tried retrieving an account that my friend had made me…
Sorry, that didnt work either! :( ::edit:: My last guess would be that perhaps my router(which would be my landlords) is for some reason denying Tribes 2's port from going through(right use of words?) but does anyone have that port so I can forward it? ty ty, Yours truly, Yours Truly.