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try again, it goes down from time to time
hey @Thyth... hope all is well. was checking again, to see how the clan tags are functioning or not, and status? if there is anything we can do to help, with getting them going again now, let us know!! Have the greatest, from STAR and all!
Hey, is the clan tags still working? Was told it is broken, word up thyth? Here is discord server for the Cut for those looking for the action
let's talk
thanks chocotaco hucast Have a few threads in regards to the issue, here=======>
I can help, contact me here
i see you in the tribalwar discord, this morning, hollar at me there and let's see what we can do! For anyone else who is into chat and gaming, an open invite to join us!
that is because, we all know you are a liar.
I removed chocotaco's affiliate phishing scam id...
:o that does not sound very friendly
obtw, is TAC aerial combat close enough? there is server with that mod up.
here is something you might enjoy also go and join the discord channel or this invite here to join STAR discord here and can discuss further
or try midair
if you want to see about adding dogfight to elite warriors server...can ask to have it added, though issue is not very many players, so will be playing with belia charge.
try midair
maybe should add this to announcements or sticky note it...also attach the file inline
hi keen thanks for invite, what is the discord channel? Also, how did you get the chat linked up, as that sounds very cool. saw you in there yesterday and since Ravin and mistcane banned me, looks like you and i may be seeing more of each other. :)
- this is the discord, it is way better than choco tacos, as he tends to abuse people and the brandzone servers, have some issues with administration and are not typically a friendly environment and players are banned from playing on them, for no justification.
everything seems to be working with one exception. Auto join channels are not auto joining and I modified the irc fix.cs to this and still no go: switch$ ( $IRCClient::channelNames[%i] ) { case "#TribesNext" or "#lastgasp": %temp = 1; default: %temp = 0; } Also wondering about adding a discord into browser and embedding…
Oh sorry, was thinking your were dark dragon and that is Lou Cypher. Thanks Ragora and pardon the confusion on my part
Hey Lou, how goes it? Not sure, if I installed it properly, as did not see tmail working in or any game browser function, like clan manager in game, as shown in thyth's OP. Can we zip it up and post it here, what is needed for everyone, to just download and install like script, as is, with instructions for installation?…
so now you are a moderator here? Subscribe to the notifications, if you want instant alerts on the action and this thread...other wise move along and keep reading the forums and do not turn this into an off topic debate about what you think. Snap Crackle Pub (Tribes II): [5/64 players] Update for last…
Think you missed what happen, as you may want to read the debriefing memo, before you go spouting crap, about something you missed or were not there... If taco is the authority of the server and makes up the rules, as the game goes along and kicks whomever, whenever pleases, and you think that is okay and if you think…
yes, fun stuff!
Snap Crackle Pub (Tribes II): [11/64 players]
sorry about that, bot abuse 300 maps server...has lot of modded weapons and play