- person mrwynd
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I'll join after work. Are we talking standard rabbit or can we get some Lak or MinRabbit going?
someone beat the geezers? :o
good to see you guys. My previous tribes include Seven Deadly Sins, Dark Demons, Sword of Damocles and some others you've probably never heard of.
nobody of consequence
mods are server specific, whatever mod the server is using, that's what you'll play, nothing should be changed on your end. scripts are specific to your game client if you choose to download any most mods don't require additional downloads by you, some may.
I'd really like to see some Minrabbit or Lakrabbit going on.
I've got a few Tribes 2 videos that I saved over the years and I uploaded them to youtube Remeber you can add a "&fmt=18" to almost any youtube video and watch it in higher def. STJ Shadow Troopers - (I had to remove the music due to copyright) Needo - Whores on Speed Dial -…
awesome to see pickup games going on 8)
password isn't working, what IRC server you on?
Been playing a few hours tonight, it's great to be playing again!
I'll always remember the pick up games that Classic mod players were doing after all the new maps were being tested for TWL competition. Those were great times.
hey I've played with you more than a few times Major Damage, hope to see you on Tribes Next.
Great to find Tribes 2 alive and well. I remember back in the base, base++, and later the classic mod days. I loved T2 for many years and when I get off work I'm gonna download and try this patch out. Personally base++ was my favorite way to play. I also loved Minrabbit a whole lot.