- person natethegrate
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Well I seem to have found a way to fix this issue thats very strange. If I host a game then when it starts exit out and go to the Join tab all my pings are normal. I thought maybe it wouldnt last and would revert back to huge lag, but it was ~50 for a whole 30 min match. I have no idea really how hosting helps, but it…
That makes sense. If thats the case theres not much I can do to fix it correct? Either way I'm really enjoying playing Tribes again even if I have to aim all funky.
My network seems to be good. Everything else works normally. Right now most servers are 250-400 ping. Lower than last night, but still high. I have found one server "AerialDogfight" that pings ~40. Anyone have any ideas why one server out of the total would be good while the rest fluctuate from bad to horrible?
Yes i set the affinity to one using the Task Manager. None of the FAQs seem to address this problem.