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Replying to ask again to please upload part 2, which is missing at this link:
Where is part two of the RARs?
PART 5 (Phew): //------------------------------ // Pick Login Info dialog: new GuiControl(PickLoginInfoDlg) { profile = "DlgBackProfile"; horizSizing = "right"; vertSizing = "bottom"; position = "0 0"; extent = "640 480"; minExtent = "8 8"; visible = "1"; hideCursor = "0"; bypassHideCursor = "0"; helpTag = "0"; new…
PART 4 // Edit Account dialog: new GuiControl(EditAccountDlg) { profile = "GuiDefaultProfile"; horizSizing = "right"; vertSizing = "bottom"; position = "0 0"; extent = "640 480"; minExtent = "8 8"; visible = "1"; hideCursor = "0"; bypassHideCursor = "0"; helpTag = "0"; open = "0"; new ShellPaneCtrl() { profile =…
PART 3 new GuiControlProfile (IntroProfile) { opaque = true; fillColor = "8 8 8 255"; tab = true; canKeyFocus = true; };//------------------------------------------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // create guis for this file // Startup…
PART 2 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------function StartupGui::checkLoginDone( %this, %editAcct, %emailCheck ){ %result = WONLoginResult(); %code = getField( %result, 1 ); %codeText = getField( %result, 2 ); %status = getField( %result, 0 ); %errorString = getField( %result, 3);…
For historical archiving, copy and paste through to part 5 to a 'console_start.cs' file and place it where Tribes2.exe resides. PART 1: //--------------------------------------------------------------------------//// Tribes 2 startup////--------------------------------------------------------------------------// z0dd - ZOD…
Thanks a lot for the help Liukcario!
Hmph, you're welcome >:( And a Happy Mod to you 2. ;D
This is awesome dude! Keep it up can't wait to download your first release! >=)
Who hosts that server? Is it you rJay? If so can I make a request, can you make the smoke from the SCUD launcher missile live longer than it's currently set, something like 8 seconds instead of what it's currently set, this way people can track the source of the missile, plus it looks cooler.
Lol this mod is pretty crazy
The one and only, Goon Haven, though I sometimes check out the other servers like the bot killing one, meltdown mod, and construction if anyone is on.
Sorry ^^, everything's working now though.
Lol I'm pretty sure this was an official video/collaboration, not some dude with a lot of time on his hands.
Nice to see continued updates to Tribesnext. Is it possible to update Tribes 2 graphically using some sort of OpenGL hacks? I saw that someone had created a bloom shader for T1 though I think that was only possible because the T1 source was leaked or something.
Should had done it as an april fools joke. ;D
Thanks! I'll check it out.
Yo shinji quit slacking =P. Post some updates, fix the website download links, let's get the ball rolling again!
They're working on Tribes 3! (Not an MMO) Shit just got real. Join #tribesascend @ quakenet
You rock, dude!
You're right, it looks like the soundtrack was eradicated from the face of the earth, all the shops seem to be sold out. Hmmmm. Edit: Hold on, I think I may have found it, will report in a minute... Edit 2: Not having any luck O_o Edit 3: Wait I found it lol, listening to it now, will post in about 300 seconds Edit 4:…
It's an MMO lol. I've never played World of Warcraft but from what I've seen the game does in fact have some level of modifiability. (Am I right here? I think you can have customs scripts and whatnot) What I DO know is that they sure as hell wouldn't add any of that if no one mentions it. :-\ There won't be traditional…
So let me get this straight, cameras actually do something other than just provide a video feed through the CC?
Thank you! :)
Fixed, changed from skinname_skinbase.png to skiname.skinbase.png And disabled read-only.
I've been playing Tribes 2 for a long time, and yes, a lot of the guys are assholes =P I even once got threatened to have my internet shut off by some dude running around servers trying to catch anybody who dared edit his modded weapon without his permission. Had chat logs and everything. Also, I notice (Mainly just…