- person triten82
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I can't retrieve my account is the authentication server down for good or is it infrequently up?
Well I have Tk'd when no triangle was shown maybe that is what it was last night. I killed 3 people in a row none had a triangle, I forget my team color also no excuse though.
Does anyone know if there is a admin for GoonHaven that I can talk to? I would like to find out if there is a good reason why there was a vote kick.
Not on wireless and hopefully wont ever have to thanks though.
Sorry that I have not replied in some time but I will try downloading but I don't know what the md5 is
I have the same problem and the only thing that I found that works as a temp fix is to reinstall the game. It worked for me for a bout a day or two. My problem used to be punkbusterB. I dont know if punkbusterA would be doning anything I will try turning off punkbusterA and see if it does anything.